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September 2011


LED Paves the Way For Energy-Saving Age

I like the idea of LED lights, but they really need to get cheaper before they are economical in my books.  I have been using LED’s in projects for years and always wondered why they were not used for more things.  If you look they are being replaced in auto/truck tail lights as they are brighter, and being put in most new or replaced street lights… so the day will come that we are using LED lights instead of any others… – WD0AJG


Recently, the incident of oil leakage causes great damage to the environment and at the same time, makes people to think deeply about what the consequences that energy depletion brings about to our lives. Oil resource is a dispensable part for a country, in the current world that energy is going to be depleted, development of new energy is just only a start. It is true that today is short of energy and it is the reason why countries put great emphasize on energy saving and development.

For the current world, energy saving is a kind of environment protection. Now, about 80% of the energy used for living and industry is obtained by harming the environment. Energy saving is another way of reducing the emission of carbon dioxide and doing something good to our environment. Besides, environment protection is not just a lip service but must put it into practise as soon as possible.

Energy saving is the first accessible method that will lead to environment protection. Take lighting industry as an example, traditional lighting has been gradually replaced by new type of LED lighting. By the year 2010, new LED lighting has stepped into the lighting market and will be make 50 billion kilowatt electronic saving.

LED is the most advanced lighting means in the world and can transmit electric power to light power in large extent with the least consumption. Besides, the limited wavelength will make people have a comfortable visual effect. Therefore, LED with low power has much more advantages than the traditional one with respect to lighting and other aspects.

Encouraged and supported by the government, the LED industry has been booming and most LED manufactures have bent into this industry. However, competition still exists in the immature market and obstacles must be broken to exploit a brand new market. LED products should be made at an atmosphere of scientific, proper and timely, therefore, a healthy LED industrial development will be promoted. Related chip is: MT8981DP.

Ann is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the IC. offers the IC buyers around the world to find quality supplier of ICs globally. We try best to aggregate all the trade leads in the IC business world, and let these leads benefit all business person.

Author: Ann Jone
Article Source:
Eco Friendly

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