Calendar Post by Month

October 2011


Sedentary activities for this Sunday

Got home Friday night and since I had a coupon for 30%off at the REEBOK store I went and bought some new walking/travel shoes.  They just feel good on my feet.  As usual  got one of my two favorite colors – Black.  I sure hope they feel as good after a weeks wear as they did in the store… will see.

Yesterday was a Football game – OSU vs. Kansas.  Before we left for that I got out and did a little maintenance on the motorhome and backed it into the shop. I greased the jacks and coated them with a little silicone spray on the shafts.  That always seems to make the jacks work a lot better and smoother.  Beside the jacks had been down for over 3 weeks.

I had pulled the motor home out almost a month ago for my Sister-in-law to stay in as she helped with my Dad in the hospital and my brother came down for a weekend as well.  She lived out there for 3 weeks or more and it is really nice, not as much for us but for family visitors, to have a place of their own with all  the comforts of home.  She was also really nice and cleaned it up and then proceeded to sand an paint some door frames on the shop that I had been intending to get to for the past 3 months.  She is a workaholic and just can’t set still.

The game was at 2:30 and we did get there in time for “THE WALK” It started out scary as the defense couldn’t seem to figure out what was going on… But the offense got it fired up and then the defense figured out what was happening, and maybe they didn’t like it, because they really got into it from that point and by mid second quarter it was way over and became really boring.  We hung in there, even though it did rain a little and we got wet.  We had forgotten the ponchos and they were in the car but with the warm weather that rain felt pretty good.    The rest of the evening was mostly just catch up with home stuff and occasionally check the other team scores.

It was scary for 5 minutes then it got boring by the mid of 2nd quarter…


Today has been a really slow day as the drizzle rain is still here and I just can’t seem to get “inspired” to accomplish much.

We did get out for a really late breakfast and then skipped lunch.  I sure wish I had my camera or even my phone this morning.  We cruised past the RV lot and there was a real fan in there.  Someone had taken one of the older Class C motorhomes, maybe a 20 ft. model, and painted it OSU orange and put a big “Pete” on it.  I did a Google for that and guess what – found it here…  It still has a rear entry door like a slide in camper… haven’t seen one of those in some time.


I guess we need our special fans just like the other universities…  I have seen some from several of the “old” big twelve including the Swooners and one from Nebraska.  Haven’t seen one from Kstate – just imagine a Purple thing on the road?

Being a really slow day is ok as I have gotten some book-work done.  Getting my bank accounts caught up and My Dads bills paid.  It all takes more time than I figure when I start but nice to get it all caught up.   I also did a some playing here and found all the links for this blog and that was fun too.

Tomorrow will SUCK.  I have two Doctors appointments – In Tulsa – and have to be there by 8 AM and I can’t eat or drink after midnight tonight due to the tests they want to run… I am not going to really like that much but it is what has to be done.

I had big plans today to work on the tower… didn’t get it delivered and it was wet anyway but I still thought I would get the new antenna out and adjusted so I could slip it on when ready?  maybe Thursday I can work on that?  – WD0AJG

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