Calendar Post by Month

October 2011


Busy yesterday and busy today–what else is new?

Well, I got so busy yesterday I didn’t  write it down…

I made a run to OKC to get some hearing aid checks done…  Took the south route down hwy 33 and found they are re-working a bunch of it… but not much traffic so I moved along pretty good… on the way caught this old barn… lot of them all over..


I thought that a new Bluetooth interface would fix a problem of them locking in with the phone… it worked fine for that afternoon.  Although I found that if I didn’t turn the link off at the interface “bob” it would hang?  Then today I found that it hangs just like the other one, or maybe different but similar?  I will have to test it a bunch more and go back on the 24th to explain the function.  I really like having it but will have to learn to turn it off or keep check so I can turn it off when it hangs up.  oh well..

I got home for lunch and had to fill up the jeep…. while doing that at Murphy (Wal-Mart) I noticed the trees there were all in bloom?  That was really strange to see trees in bloom in the middle of October?


There were several of these trees on both sides in bloom…

After that I got home and decided to put the “Safari” top on the jeep… I had ordered that way back in late August and had not had time to get it put on.  It wasn’t too bad but one of the Velcro tabs came off… will have to check out getting it re-attached? maybe…


I then got busy working on my expenses from my trip to Houston – that took about 3 hours to work around in SAP and get all that stuff put in, the receipts pasted to paper, the documents all confirmed, etc.… what a pain… anyway that was done and did some review for the HSE questions I have to come up with for the audits…

Today was more of the same only different… ha!

Took a load of give-away to the Salvation Army donation center, got my hair cut, got my expenses FedEx’s off to get paid back and spent that afternoon working on more of those questions for the upcoming audits… Oh and I had to spend an hour trying to get my travel set up for that next audit… they sure do not make things easy anymore… I would guess tomorrow will be some more of the same…

It was fun out in the Jeep (after it warmed up a little).  Really nice day for running around semi-clad… 

I hope to put a little time in on the new antenna (NCG-GP 15)tomorrow, maybe get it tuned up and on the makeshift pole to test before the tower gets back. ? maybe?

The new GP-15… maybe I will work a little 6mtr on this?  and maybe not?  – WD0AJG

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