Calendar Post by Month

October 2011


Exciting news

Not really.  It was just another day – some work,  some play, hauled off a few more things for donations.   I try to do that as often as possible because we seem to be “collectors” of  crap.  We save stuff thinking we are going to use it and that just never happens.

I enjoyed the fact that the stock market was up again today but wonder how long this will last?  I had hopes that we would be in for a “typical” fall rise but not this much this fast…? Now I am getting worried that we may have a big crash to go with the big “un-crash”?  If it slows down and “wobbles” for a week or two or three with out making too may big percent gains or losses then I will be a bit more relieved that this will last until the end of the year.  But I for one sure do not know what direction things are going… I read a lot of stuff and I have read plenty of both sides, although there seems to have been a lot more down writing the past few weeks to month so maybe we are ready for a rise till they all thing we are “out of the woods” then the bear will sneak up on us again… ha!

We debated on going to the Soccer match tonight but by the time I got my nightly phone call in to my Dad and took care of a few things it was too late for that, at least we just couldn’t get the strong interest in it but we did go to Braums for a quick supper and check the soccer score (we were behind and that was not good)… One thing that I did notice today… Braums has finally got on the band wagon… they realize that we of the “more challenged” generation are their biggest customers and they aim to please… at least our local one has… they have increased the size of the Ticket number so we can see it with out pulling out our “reading” glasses… Thank you Braums for that improvement…


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