Calendar Post by Month

October 2011


Sealing the Coax connections?

I have almost always used just electrical tape… I have used some of the gummy stuff that might have been supplied from the antenna maker but never went out of my way to get the extra protection.  Maybe I should as now I have several connection that are corroded and not working well?    Hell, I have most of my antennas down , broken, out of service due to that 90 MPH wind we had in August.

It bent the pipe tower, pulled the lead loose from my “make-shift” dual band mobile ON the pole below. I have not tested the dipole but it appears to be ok as it was lower but I don’t have anything up.  The welder was to have my new tower back a month ago and I am still waiting on that one.  Anyway here is a good article on sealing coax connections.   I need to get some seal for all of mine before they go back up.


That relates to the fact that I also have one length of older 9913 that got water in it (the 9913 is a hollow core with a spiral length of plastic thread to maintain the inner core).  I should have done a much better job os sealing the ends.   It was strange that I put it up to a square 2mtr/440 “SQUALO” antenna that I had purchased 15 to 20 years ago thinking I was going to do some higher SSB work, but just never got it up.  I had that opportunity to put it up  this past year and did using this old length of coax that, unfortunatley had been stored outside when we moved.  I put this anteanna on a 15 foot pole on the barn to do some testing:

I hope is that I can put them on the larger tower when I get it back.  I had put them up with that older 9913 and right after I get it all up and walk into the shop where I had run the coax… there was water coming out around the connector on the floor… so much for that idea….. Needless to say I didn’t get to use it last winter and have yet to take it down.  I hate getting up on the roof and “manhandling” that 15 foot pole out of the tripod base it is in, not to mention having to undo the ends of my dipole that is on that same pole… but I need to get on that pretty soon if I am going to as it is getting colder here… while getting this picture for the post I also got the below:

I am sure we will have a few  more weeks of warmer weather but I need to get with this project if I intend to get it down and ready for the tower.  – WD0AJG



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