Got up
Loaded the Haz waste for the recycle. (Stillwater had a household haz waste collection day)
Loaded up the old sweeper and some other stuff for Habitat donation.
Stopped at Braums for breakfast
Dropped off the haz stuff..
Dropped off the donation stuff
Took wife to a church bazaar. Must not have been too much as I only had to wait for 10 minutes… ?
Took wife to exercise class…
Got back and worked on cleaning out the Jeep and fixing the passenger seat so it will tip up now…
Watched THE game (OSU vs. Mizzou those cowboys done good – again) and had lunch
Worked on the tower guy lines to the SW and NW… need a few more cable clamps but it should be ok until tomorrow.
Had supper…
moved IC 706 from motor home to shop desk…
made a list of parts I need for the tower project.
Hung a cap holder in the closet and cleaned out some empty boxes.
Took shower
Having some thunder storms but we haven’t gotten much rain yet…
Read some blogs, and some magazines I had to read (QST and NUtS and VOLTS)…
Went to bed… well that is the plan as I write this before the shower… ha! (waiting on the lightening and thunder to move away…