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February 2012


Frustration is nothing new here.

I have fought (off and on) trying to get my Ham Radio Deluxe software (HRD) to do the LOTW upload and download.  I had been using the great utilities by WD5EAE…  I had them working fine for LOTW and eQSL.  I really liked his eQSL download for the included pictures of the cards… I save all those digitally… I wish the HRD had included that function as well.  Maybe it did but I can’t find it.  Anyway, I have tried and tried and tried to get the LOTW update in HRD to work since I put in several different logs. 

Screen shot1

I had it working for a little bit then when I put in a couple more logs – tracking an EPC contest and then going back and putting in some of my old paper logs for some special things I did (at different locations) it got really messed up.  I have hammered on it for months and was just about ready to delete all the extra logs to see if that would fix my problem.  I have read all the forums about HRD and problems with LOTW.  I went through every post in the HRD forums.  I did searches using every possible combination on LOTW and upload, download, issues… I know I read all of them and most of them told the same story, “it works fine you must have something set up wrong”… I thought I had checked everything and was totally aware of the issues with passwords for LOTW… you get one by card, you get another when you sign in, you have another for the TQSL to work, and you may have more for the different logs, or what ever… crap for an old guy with CRS (Can’t remember Shit) disease that is really hard having to remember all those passwords and they have to be hard too, can’t be just your name or your XYL’s name… NOooooo it has to be some odd combination of letters, numbers, caps, symbols, (I got some  symbols for you, like the sign your number 1 with the middle finger) etc.… I understand completely that in todays world, passwords and security have to get more complicated to stay one step “behind” the criminals but it sure makes it hard on those of us with CRS…

There was a lot of help on the forums but they all generally got back to “you have got to set it up correct and you must have the proper passwords”… it was not help that the people at the ARRL and who wrote the software for all this LOTW didn’t put in any cues if you get something wrong… they just want you to think it is ok when it is not and died in some previous step.  Me…. I just knew I had all my PWords right and that I had everything in the “fill in the blank” perfect.  I was even looking at hidden setup stuff in HRD.  it is a wonder I didn’t mess something up real bad by trying to dig deeper for the cause to all my problems…

All this said, I went back at it again today… and went back to the Yahoo groups for Hamradio-delux and found the following post:



[] On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ham-radio-deluxe] Uploading to LOTW
I just want to make sure your setup is correct.
Before you upload you have highlighted/selected one or more QSOs in your
log. Then you press the Upload Arrow that appears along the toolbar for
the My Logbook tab. That pops up a dialog screen. You need the following
Upload: Https://
Username: This is the name you would use to log onto the LotW website
Password: This is the password sent to you on the postcard that you would
use to log onto the LotW website. This is NOT your TQSL password.
TQSL executable: This is set to the location where the TQSL program is and
will differe, Mine is buried a few level deep and eventually is
Private password: This is set to whatever password you setup for TQSL
Station location: This is HOME unless you have setup something different.
You really have to be sure you have the correct password in the correct
box. Since you are seeing the correct files generated, I suspect your TQSL
stuff is setup correctly. That just leaves the signon info for the LotW
website. Please check and double check that stuff.

The moving green bar is showing the records getting converted and
encrypted. When it pauses it is attempting to log onto LotW. That is the
point you are failing at. If it works the “Upload” button simply changes
to “Finished”.
Sorry I can’t be more helpful, but it does work. I’ve used it on Win7
32-bit, 64-bit, and WinXP boxes.
Good luck!
73, Bob, WB4SON
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Now it was not written to me but it applied to me, again.  It went over the issues of having the correct password in place but in the section I have made red reminded me that to solve any problem break it down to parts and figure out which part is working and which is not and at the point it stops working properly then you have the point of the problem.  Mine was doing the same thing… it all appeared to work fine up to the point of “finish” and it just never finished… so it is a login problem.  Well then, go back and for the 1000 th time check that stupid password.  In my individual logging in to LOTW I had the password in the box, and of course it was all ********, so maybe I don’t have the right password so , take that ******* out and put in what your using and see if that works… WELL DAMN that didn’t work.  So I have the wrong password in the right place of the HRD “fill in the blank” box?  Shit, where is my password keeper?  I had to go install the old password keeper software and pull up that file and there is was… I had one of the numbers wrong.  you know a password that has 2 letters, one number one letter and 2 numbers and the first number was off by one… once I found the real password, put it in the form, selected a few logs to upload, hit the LOTW upload it worked like a charm, I got the “finish” label and I was so damn happy that I hit the LOTW download and picked about one years worth of contacts to check…  and that worked perfect as well…

I was so  happy about that success that I sat down to try something else and promptly did something stupid and have no clue what yet, but it caused the computer to loose all the icons and swapped some with other programs… My only way out of that was to do a system restore.  Fortunately I am knowing enough to have the computer do auto restore points and I just picked one from 2 days ago and brought all the stuff back.  I still have not figured out what caused that but suspect that it was something to do with hooking up a heater to the extension that is on the battery back up and overloaded that unit as it was  beeping that it only h ad 5 minutes of power left when the screen and all the icons swapped out.  I moved the heater off that extension as it is only for 2 wall warts anyway.  I have checked most all of the really important programs and they are all back to normal as well, my files are all still in place and HRD, the WX station, and the APRS station all work fine… WHEW!…

All these mishaps and I was supposed to be a moderately computer literate person?  Maybe not? – WD0AJG

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