Calendar Post by Month

February 2012


Texting is more dangerous than just the plain cell phone was…

Yesterday I went onto campus to pick up the wife… and had multiple, like over 5, students walk in front of me texting and oblivious of my presence, even though I was in a 3000lb vehicle.  Hell I remember the days of being accused that we couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time!  They, the new students, have no concept of HURT when the thumbs are wiggling… I think that if we had our thumbs tied we would not be able to converse any more?  Found this – it is in London but pretty funny and accurate… – although it appears a lot of this was made up.

I just say this because when you started this cell phone craze it was just hold it up and your eyes were still taking in the surrounding activity and your brain could possibly warn you of pending doom.  Now with the eyes concentrated on the screen and usually both hands rapidly pounding out short tweets, messages or responses we have lost all connection to what is going on around us.  A more dangerous condition?  Yes I think so… More addictive?  Yes on this count as well… Some day they will have it all figured out with opaque reader glasses that you can see what is in front of you but yet see the stuff from your smart phone all that the same time, but will that not cause brain overload?  Maybe… something to think  about.  – REX

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