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February 2012


Oklahoma Speed Traps?

I know of several town I Oklahoma that are fairly notorious for speed traps… Experience.  On that list generally are small town on major roads.  They really like to “up” the revenue by putting extra watch on the major road as it passes through their area.  I know of three of those that I am very familiar with – only caught once in one of them but having driven those road for many years I am fully aware of the area and have slowed to well below speed limits in both for those years…   Those three are:

Dover Oklahoma on Highway 81 – They will get you there because the road has a nice curve on the north end of town and they can set anywhere and you won’t even know it.

Minco Oklahoma on Highway 81 – They really like the south end of town as it does the same thing and has a slow limit for several miles out of town…

Rush Springs, Oklahoma on Highway 81 – you top a hill right at the main crossing road to main street, although you are a long way from any inhabitants but it is a good spot to catch you coming a bit to fast over the hill


Many other small town on this highway attract there fair share

One that is a larger town but seems to be notorious for its speed trap on the East side of town is Enid, OK – off Hwy 412 on the east end… The slow down is about 2 miles out and they like to wait at the curve or a bit further out on a cross road that they can hide in… (got caught there several years ago not paying attention and not slowing down enough by the cross road… on the way in you have to be at 55 but on the way out – same spot you can be doing 70… go figure… here is what I saw today… they were waiting!..



I had not read the sign when I took the picture but in review, only one of the patrol cars was actually in the – designated turn-around – the other was setting on the grass… guess they can’t be counted on for following their own rules?   – REX

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