Calendar Post by Month

February 2012


Much to do but not enough ambition

Yes, I have much to do but my ambition to get out and do them is pretty low.  I am not sure why but I just do not feel up to the task of “re-setting” a birdhouse, cleaning some others, putting up braces for the storage in in the barn, cutting the decorative grass stems down for spring start of the new ones, or anything else that pertains to work.  In fact I needed to call about a project for more insulation – didn’t  do it,  needed to call about remodeling contractors –  didn’t do that either.  I also need to get really involved in to my taxes for the year and have not done anymore than split out last years stuff and have it in a box ready to figure…. So what am I do do here? 

I think I need an attitude transfusion. 

I did get some email done, a little work for “the company” today and yesterday but not much else.  Well I guess I can back-track a little as today, I had to do a little repair on the weather station computer…, delete some of the excess video files from the security cameras, started the motorhome for the monthly warm up and rotated the front wheels a little to keep the seals oiled on the front wheels (really need to get it down and have the propane refilled as well as the diesel).  I did go into town and got my hair cut today instead of waiting for Friday like normal.  figured if it was going to be rainy I would just as soon get that done.

My attitude transfusion came from a opinion disagreement with the university foundation.  I give to OSU yearly and for years it has been no problem it has always just been accounted to the joint account of my wife and I.  For some strange and illogical reason this year, due to a change in my bank check, they have split my accounts.  My bank checks now state it is our  “living trust” and not just us so they (the foundation) in their infinite wisdom determined that the credit for one set of giving goes to the trust and the other goes to my wife and I?  Had I not had the check changed they would never know the difference.  To that end I have questioned them about it and the only answer I can get is “it is our policy to attribute it to who ever pays’”… I am sorry but I call Bullshit on that.  It has always been paid from the same account and the trust has been in effect for 10 years but jut because I change the address portion of my check  last year it is now two different entities?   I am not sure if they would even know the difference? I asked if I paid in cash and said that it was from my kid or parent they would credit it to them right (yes) then what gives with the items on the check?  I am still the one that signed it, I am still the one that approved it, it is rightly a living trust so it is for just me and my wife, no big unknown entity…   I was also miffed that the foundation rep did not have the courtesy to come down from her office to talk to me she had to do it over the “house phone”, like I was some “un-desirable” waiting in the lobby.   Thinking about it for an hour or so, I have determined that my money must be un-desirable as well and I will only give what it takes to get my seating benefits.  The extra can be better spent with someone else. (until they piss me off).

Later in the day I got some gas for the jeep.  That is also a strange matter.  At the stations in much of the town (run by the major quick-stop outfit) the price jumped to as much as 3.49 ( I know cheap for some  people).  However, the Murphy at the local Wal-Mart has remained at 3.35 to 3.39?  as much as 15 cents cheaper for the entire week?  I realize the gas is not a high profit item and likely it is break-even in most places, but that much difference over several days or weeks and some are not more than a few blocks apart, is questionable?  On the other hand I see people filling at the higher priced places with no regard to actual price so I guess the plan works for some.  A higher profit covers up a few less sales.




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