Calendar Post by Month

February 2012


On the road?

I think I spend most of my life on the road.  Maybe in Travel mode and not the fun type of travel.  Today was another one of those days.  I have been home a little less than 2 weeks and I have been on the road to Enid 5 times.  It could have been more but I just gave out on it.  I have also had to do work from home about 6 days so I have actually had 2+ days off to do something else and now I have 2 days to get ready to leave again on Saturday.  This having to work for a living and care for others is a load, not to mention I have to travel long distance to work ( this time all the way to Australia for 2 weeks). 

I know everyone things “wow you travel to those places?  that must be really fun“?… well let me tell you it is not fun.  2 days in airports and airplanes is not fun.  having to set in a seat made for people half my size is not fun.  8 hours in a seat that the cushion has been squashed out is not fun.   However the income is necessary to pay for all that “stuff” we think we have to have. 

Today was a day trip to help Dad with some financial needs, as well as a Dr. visit for recheck.  We were pretty busy all day.  I got there about 9:30am and did about 30 minutes going over his accounts, then off to the bank to move money, then to the investment advisor to choose some investments for some of the money out of the sale of Moms house.  Then we made it to the Dr. office for a visit and I hit him pretty hard about the issues of his release from the hospital last Saturday, and the test that were to be run and no one knew about them.  They did call me late today with results on the test and it turns out ok so that is good but they really need to do a better job at that hospital in Enid.    I am not sure why but they just don’t really seem to cover all the details very well. 

After that we had a quick lunch then off to the accountant to get the taxes for last year started.  I probably could figure his taxes when I do mine but he has used this accountant and he is happy with him so we will stay there for now.  I did have the opportunity to ask some questions about rates, options on how we handle income and expenses and such but didn’t find much that we could change.  I did get a better handle on some things and will be prepared if I need to step in. 

We then got back to his place and I finished up his accounts, checks and such and got myself headed home.  I wish I had taken a little time coming home to get some pictures as I noticed some things that I would like to have pictures of.  One of them is in a place that does not lend well to stopping ( on the interstate) but still it is something I noticed.    I had noticed in several places along the highway 412 and up the I-35 north of Perry that there appears to be beaver dams in some areas.  I have not seen beaver indication up here since I was a kid, and even then they was pretty sparse, but these areas are really close to the roads.  In fact a month ago I thought I saw a beaver dead on the side of the road. It had been hit close to an area where I noticed beaver ponds but I was moving way too fast when I saw it to get a good look and I was in a hurry so didn’t double back to make sure. 

I have no idea if the ones near the I-35 are beaver  but they sure had built up some dams to hold the water.  There are no real trees in the area and the dams appear to be made from cattails and other items but maybe they have a few small tree limbs in there?  It just did not look like the beaver dams I was used to but for sure was built and not natural.  I may have time some day and will stop to get pictures and see what I can find there.    I know not interesting but was to me…

So another day has come and gone and I have some work to do tomorrow as well as I really need to get my stuff packed for the really long trip coming Saturday… – WD0AJG

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