Calendar Post by Month

March 2012


Spend that money down- and Whacking grass

Well, I had forgotten that they announced the 2012 season FB tickets were out.  Or maybe I didn’t get a notice? Anyway I decided to check and I was late on the FB ticket payment.  Not too much , only a few weeks and I could, if I wanted, wait a few more months and make a full payment before June but I determined to set it up on monthly payments for now and just have it auto charge my CC for that.  OUCH!… to see 7 games?  It will be about $900 for  each seat and we have two… Now that is not the actual price but the price I pay for “better” seats.  I am not one of the BIG donors but I do like getting a bit better seat than the end zone.   Next month they will probably come out with the BB tickets then the WBB and then the Wrestling… We spend a lot for all those tickets but that is ok as in the long run it is pretty cheap for the entertainment we get from it.

In this same token I determined that since the toner cartridge is about wasted in the old printer I would just get a new one.  I found some refurbished units from Staples on sale and I had wanted a color laser for those special times we need a color print,  so I just bought two.    The total for both was just a bit over $200 so not too bad for two laser printers.  I would of spent over $50 for the new cartridge for the old one we had.  I got those installed last night and tested out, pretty nice. 

Today I had some work to catch up on.  Got some of my checkbook accounting done and then getting ready for my next big trip was the focus for me.   When I come in from a trip I pretty much unload everything and pile it up to be washed or what ever.  Then 2 weeks later I am hunting all over to find the stuff I thought I had ready but just never got to it.  I guess my attitude these days is I would rather not think about going back out so I just ignore all the associated items until I really have to get with it and prepare.

On the other hand it was just too nice today to stay in and do all those things I need to, so I got out.  Not all day but a few hours in the afternoon.  I moved one pine tree that out of mystery came up in the flower bed and another one from a pot that has been setting around since Christmas?… Got both in the ground , now to see if they will live.  I also got after the major grass trimming.  Not the small stuff but those big decorative clumps we have in several spots.  They need to be “whacked” down every spring so the new stuff will show up and grow out a little better.  Here are some of those clumps:

clump1  clump2

After the haircuts

gone2  gone3

Later in the evening I did get back to my spread sheet repair for work.   I got some done but guess the rest may have to wait till I get to Australia to finish.

Late in the evening I made it back out to the Ham Shack and did a little listen around, updated my logbook from LOTW and EQSL…   However I didn’t get myself keyed up to make any contacts as it was already pretty late by then and I was a bit tired.  I am going to have to call the local electric company when I get back next month to come out and search out some noise.  My noise level has jumped up to nearly S9 on 80 meters… runs from S6 to S7 on 40 meters so it must be something local?  Will have to search that out next trip home. 

That was my day, tomorrow will be a packing day to get ready to leave on Saturday.   – REX

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