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March 2012


HRD software info

Pulled this article in full with links so it can be checked out.  I use this software in the pre 5.11 version.  I like it and really liked it when it was free.  It does so much, like control my IC-706, log my contacts, makes working in digital modes even more automatic, has the DM780 totally linke to the log book and radio control as well as can do all those “chores” like upload, download, etc from LOTW. eQSL, etc.  links to DX clusters of your choice to track openings, and I know I have left out some of the more important things it can do, but the all in one package is really nice.  It did require a learning curve to get familiar with just a few of the things I wanted it for.  I have not gotten totally familiar with it as I know it can do so much more but for my needs it is great.  

All that said, I always hate to see that a great piece of software is going from “free” to “paid”.  When that happens you fell a little cheated but in reality the software writer is probably the one being cheated and as with all great stuff, it eventually will command a price.  Some get that price through advertising but I would not want my do everything Ham sofeware to include advertising on everything I do, see and use… So I guess at some point I will pay up for the “now” previledge to use this software but like some of the commenters to the writer below… I may wait till I see that it makes a jump in some area that warrants an upgrade.   – WD0AJG

Radio Artisan

amateur radio journey


with 3 comments

HRD Software, LLC has released version 5.11a of Ham Radio Deluxe, the first version since their acquisition of HRD from Simon Brown, HB9DRV.  The release appears to be a minor update with the most notable changes being cosmetic updates to splash screens, showing the new ownership of the product.

As many predicted at the time of the acquisition, the next version of HRD, 6.0, will be a pay-only product.  The 5.x version will continue to be free and will have bug fixes released for an unidentified amount of time.  Version 6.0 will be released at the Dayton Hamvention, but customers can receive a $20 discount for the product by subscribing to HRD support for $59.95 prior to Dayton.  At Dayton and afterwards the price for 6.0 will be $79.95.  That is a one year subscription.  Subsequent support subscription renewals are $39.95 for two years of support.  The software doesn’t expire and can continue to be used after support expiration, however users must have a subscription in order to get software updates.

Personally I think Ham Radio Deluxe is worth this price.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I think it’s the best amateur radio logging software ever written (though in a sea of outdated and badly designed sophomoric applications, the bar is often set low).  But considering how good version 5.x is, it may take quite awhile for people to actually want or need to upgrade.  Unless the trial version of 6.0 really knocks my socks off, I’m going to wait until perhaps version 6.1 or 6.2 to consider upgrading.

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