Calendar Post by Month

March 2012


Yards, weeds and flowers–oh and frogs.

Yesterday was a work day.  Not for the “company” but for me.  The worst duty was this morning working on the finish to my yearly Taxes… I have been hammering on them for days and finally gave up and determined that I was just going to have to pay the state more money… OUCH…

After I eFiled the federal and printed the state to send off in April I headed out to the shop.  In between times I had been working on my computer out there.  A few days ago I mentioned it was making a horrible sound and figured it to be the hard drive.  Well after that evening of all the noise it has quit, although it has made a few noises it all seems to be the power supply fan which will be a relief – for now.  I still determined to put in a new hard drive , back up everything from the original to it and clean up the original.  The original has developed some bad sectors and I suspect that has come from some power issues (the power has gone off a few times and the battery backup is not enough for a 1 hours off time so I am sure it has dumped some bad spots due to that?  Maybe I can clean it up, maybe not. 

A few nights ago I started the process of putting in a spare hard drive that I had bought over a year ago for the server but just never got it installed down there.  Since it is a 1.5T just like the one in the WX computer why not clone the old to the new and then erase the old and clean it up?  Sounded good to me… well the good part has been bypassed with stupid moves and hiccups… First I got the software from the drive company that says it can clone the drive.  I guess I didn’t read all the instructions or I am doing something wrong as when I tried to clone it over night it just was not readable?  Then the issue when I restart that the computer sometimes just hangs up with both in line… does fine on the old one?  so I went back and followed the instructions to make it bootable, format it so it will show up etc.… although that took a lot longer as it just would not always come up so you could see it? but now I have it so it shows as a drive with nothing on it but when I boot with both in line… it comes up and can’t find my monitor drives for the ASUS monitors…it calls them generic PNP?  and swaps screens with what had been used and one is half the resolution of the other?  huh?  I looked for new drivers, reset the monitors, swapped cables on the monitors, reset them again, searched for drivers, etc.… to no avail, with the extra hard drive in it just screws the monitors… I can unhook the new one and bingo it all comes back to just what it was?  I am still playing on that problem.

Quit the computer play at noon and went to lunch at the Thai place.  We had not been there in some time and the food is usually always pretty good and the great things is for lunch we (wife and I) can split the meal, add an egg roll, drink water and get out for $8.16 plus tip… We can’t even go to McD’s or Arbys for that… Guess we should  eat Thai more often? I know I am cheap but the food it pretty good and for that price it beats burgers and fries that show up at the mid-section within hours…

After Lunch we went to pick up tickets for the game Sunday… The OSU women BB team is in the WNIT and they are doing well… OSU is also doing well in hosting the games this will be the 4th they will have hosted in this and it is fun for us.  The game last night was a real “banger”.  The other team, I guess, had determined to make it as ugly as possible and the refs were going to oblige.  There were a lot of no-calls, bad calls and more than a few times the refs had to go the monitor to check out “flagrant” stuff… how they could miss bloody noses, and black eyes and people laying on the floor is beyond me.  We won but not with out numerous bruises.  I commend those  girls they are a real bunch of fighters and never gave in to it.  It was a good win and they have another chance at home to move on up the line.  We will be there, will you?


I then dropped the wife off back at work and I made some rounds of things to do.  Went by Chucks to get a name for a tile man.  We intend to redo the tile in our bath and maybe some other places.  Some things we built in we do not like now and while we can, we will get changed. I then went to Lowes to check on their tile deal as we had bought the tile there originally and set up to meet with their installer about our plans.  I also picked up a new filter for the RO water machine and some flowers for the front flower bed… it is a bit bare although the Petunias I planted last fall are coming back and look pretty good right now.

flowers 1

You can tell what I purchased the marigolds in the back and the pot (perennials in the the far upper corner).

flowers2  flower3

The are doing pretty good after the rains, and appears that 4 of the 5 from last fall are going to come back…


I thought these looked good and they are perennial so I will plant them in the bed and hope they do well? 

Once I got back home, I started on weed eating around the house and flower beds and getting some weeds pulled as well as spraying some of the weeds in other areas.  During my rounds I came across this little guy… first frog of the season I would guess???


You gotta look close, he is in there but blends pretty good. 

Once it was getting close to sun down, I put up all the tools, went in the house and grabbed a cool frosty adult beverage and sat on the back deck while the sun went down… The most pleasant place I know to spend some time letting the issues of the day go away, watch the sun and clouds play tag and see fish rise in the pond… not sure it was fish , it could have been the turtles but I can imagine it is the fish that I will try to catch later when I have the desire…

So ended the day, a little supper and some play on the computer and off to bed…

Tomorrow, more yard work and ?  who knows… – WD0AJG

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