Calendar Post by Month

March 2012


A good day to get out

Yes, it was a good day to get out and about but first, we had to attend the Cowgirls game against Colorado.  They are still in the WNIT and with todays win they are now in the final 4 of that tournament.  Granted it is not the NCAA but maybe they should have been in that big one?  They are doing pretty special for having NO seniors on this team…


2012-03-25 14.22.01

They have finished off an old Big 8 and 12 opponent and now get to play again at home… Great for the fans and the numbers keep going up…

I think maybe they are playing to a higher level in part to those lost this year…



When we got over the win a little and got home to put on some shorts… Shorts just don’t seem right for the game… we took off on an afternoon adventure.

Sherrie had not been to Cushing and we had always said we need to find out where the Eagle rescue was that the Iowa Tribe maintains…  On our way down we stopped at the Perkins museum that is in progress… they started with a single building and now it is growing to be something really special.  I you have not stopped, you should.  We hope to get back when it is open some day..


Of course they have Frank Eaton’s house (Pistol Pete of OSU fame – well he was famous before OSU adopted him as a mascot… ha! this picture shows just a small piece of what they have..

In Perkins there is a building that has a mural painted the full length… about 1/3 of a city block long that depicts Perkins and the surrounding area… here is a pano I put together of that wall painting…  Pretty cool!


At the Iowa Nation aviary I got a picture of this… ever seen an Eagle Rescue vehicle?  They give tours on Saturday and Sunday by appointment only… so call ahead…


After leaving this we made a swing through Vinson, OK.  Guess you have never heard of that either?  I hadn’t and seems it is close to several of the Lions club Boys Ranch facilities

We then headed East on Hwy 105… never heard of that either… it runs through the small town of Tryon… most of it is about gone but must have been important once upon a time…


Not all the buildings looked this gone… many were in pretty good condition but I just didn’t get many pictures there…

We then made our way through Agra, OK… a bit larger town and still somewhat active then on to Cushing…

In Cushing I should of taken a lot more pictures but was too damn busy looking… ha!… I did get these two building paintings…



The President had been in Cushing last week to talk… glad I wasn’t there for that… I have a real hard time believing anything he or any other politician says anymore… and if they could only accomplish 20% of all the promises we would all be rich and living out our dreams… The amazing part of Cushing is the Tank Farms there… nearly every large pipeline company has a huge area of tanks and those tanks are bigger than any I have seen… and they are still putting up m ore… what a place but they are all semi- hidden from view most to the south of town but some to the north… I never realized that there were literally hundreds of those huge storage tanks already there and had been there for many years…   It is by the following account, the largest oil storage facility in the world…  

Image 7

When we had seen all that we could stand of the tanks…. we made a short stop at McD’s to use the facilities… oh and get an ice cream cone…

We then hit the path back north to HWY 51 and then back into Stillwater and home… what a great day… to finish that off I grabbed a cold beverage and placed my butt in a chair on the back deck… enjoyed the sundown and the bat’s… yes we have some tree bats in our area as they were grabbing some of the larger bugs… I also made a call to Dad and discussed his day… great ending …  Tomorrow?  I have a list and it will not all be fun…


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