Calendar Post by Month

April 2012


Car shows and yard work

Today was just another day… Since we attended the Championship game for the OKSTATE CowGirls!… and watched them get a National title… we missed the Kicker car show… We also missed the Goat show at the fairgrounds and sadly I did not get a chance to enter in the “Surprised smileLD GOAT “ contest…. I might have won that one.

We did get around and make the Kicker show today and I got some pictures… You can see the few I posted as there were way more than I could post… for a small town event it was well attended, although the theme was KICKER so nearly all had those big speakers and lot of power… may had to have several extra batteries to maintain that power…

I did spot a few that I could use… when I need assistance getting around:

Help with my wheel chair…

For the mileage people or those that just like the old VW BUG

I always had a thing for the early fastback mustangs

I once had a truck, kind of like this… but not with all the additions…

I also had one of these but mine was yellow and was a real LEMON…

I need to get my mower fixed up…  I might be able to hear the music then?


After the car show we came home, I got to work and hauled cedar mulch to the front flower beds and reset the water sprinklers to water a little better, moved a clump of tall grass that was in the wrong spot… took a nap!… ( I haven’t been doing that enough as it sure felt good)… and made a few minor repairs on things…

After dinner we went to Braums and had a Yogurt cone… not too bad a day, although it was damn hot for March 31… 92 officially here in Stillwater…

The rest of my pictures are here for viewing… Kicker Car Show



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