Calendar Post by Month

April 2012


Not much to report

Well, with the crew to show up at 9 I rousted out and mentioned we could go get breakfast before they showed up… so off we went.  Big outing, breakfast at Braums.  Hadn’t had the biscuits and gravy in some time so that was a thing to put in the list for the day

From there we went by the recycle drop and dumped some cardboard I had put in the jeep, then home… waiting… The insulation guys showed up… after 10am when they said they would be there at 9.   Oh well, they dinked and dunked and finally after a trip to the shop got the parts and put up a “hold=it=back” board so they could blow all that insulation into the attic of the shop.  The piddling took about 3 hours and the actual work about 30 minutes?  They filled the attic and put a little more in the attic over the garage and then wanted paid… of course.

I paid them off and we packed our stuff and finally hit the road about 3pm.  Sorry no pictures – the crew lost my camera.

Our plan was to stop at the BBQ place at the interstate – it used to be on the strip and was supposed to be decent food… we get there and the door is locked?  says open for breakfast, lunch and dinner?  but not this day.  Off we went on our way south and I pulled into the BBQ at Guthrie… they were open, the food was pretty fast and fairly tasty… little did I know it would be tasty all the rest of the day

On the north side of Snorman the traffic nearly halted… must have been a problem ahead… yep, someone had put the wrong side of the car on the pavement… top down… It was on the other side of the interstate so our side was just “rubber-necking” slow but the north  bound side was backed up to the south side of Snorman… and had a couple more accidents of people that didn’t get the binders on quick enough…

The traffic south was pretty fast but also pretty thick… lot of college kids heading south for some reason… oh yea, it is a weekend and Easter so they are all on their way home… strange how there are a lot of kids going to OSU that are from the Dallas area… maybe even more from out of Snorman? 

We arrived in Dallas and since I had been holding off the burn for about half of that I had to stop at the store and get some TUMS… you know TUM 2 TUM TUM… downed 3 and hoped it would sooth out but no such luck… by 9:30 it was time for more and time for bed… we have a T-ball game at 8am… ouch!…

Will see what tomorrow brings… REX

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