Calendar Post by Month

April 2012


Big day n big D

Not really… never got to Dallas today was in the BURBS… ha!

Started the day with a T-Ball game at 8am… some of those kids were not  awake till it was over… big kids that is.    It was fun for the kids, they seemed to have a good time and some of the adults enjoyed it as well.  We then rushed back to the house and had a late breakfast… I know should of just got up earlier and had the first but you can’t play T-ball on a full stomach!.. Since SOL had been busy cooking-smoking brisket he had a brisket-biscuit.  I tried the brisket and it was pretty good (for 9:30am breakfast)…

After the late breakfast SOL and I made it to FRY’s… I needed a new camera to carry for works stuff and they had one on sale.  I had gotten the ad earlier and did my online research and one of the “on-sale” cameras had a good zoom, and really good ratings for a small digital and it was about 30% off.  I ended up getting it – a Samsung WB750.  Along with that they were running a deal of 15% off any extras so I got an extra battery for it.  Now to test it out and see how long the battery lasts?

Since we were so way off on times, we got back at about 2:30pm and had a late lunch… of … BURNT ENDS… yup, burnt the suckers down..


Pretty good with another biscuit … Sure glad he was fixing all the brisket and these were the “leftover” pieces… ha!  you will have to go to his Facebook spot to get more details..

After all that hard work we took a dip in the hot-tub since they had the temp up and I just soaked for awhile… pretty nice to soak off some of the burn-ends… and it wore me out so much I had to take a nap…

I did a little with the new camera during and in-between all this hotbed of activity… first picture was the auto Panorama mode… cool to be able to pieced several pictures together to get a bigger scene.  My last one I had to take several pictures then us Picasa to piece them together…


Having burnt ends…. it turned out ok but looking closer I think I moved a bit too fast.  The camera will take practice to get just some of the features down so I can use them. 

Later in the evening we headed off to “Fuzzy’s Tacos” for dinner


I may have over ate again… just hate when that happens… had a cup of the taco soup and a pulled pork burrito and of course a margarita… Now to top that off with the anti-acid pills… like they say “you gotta pay the fiddler if you want to dance”.  It sure was good, but the soup was a little hot. 

Tomorrow, not sure other than we go to brother’s house for lunch and pick up Dad to take him home.  Bet he has had a big weekend at Brother’s house?


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