Calendar Post by Month

April 2012


Easter Sunday

I was too tired last night and too busy this morning to post this but here is Sunday

We were slower to rise (not sunrise service for us) .  While I prepared to haul meat and other things home the ladies and Grandson went to church.  I got ide and the ice chest ready and all the stuff packed so when they got back we could head off to my brothers house in Dallas proper, to pick up Dad and have a family lunch.

While we waited, since we did get there early, we took a tour of the house.  I really nice older home with a lot of very nice additions.  I never thought I would see my brother buy a place with a pool but they sure did… I did get pictures of the pool area but neglected to get house pictures, so they will be for next time… but here is the pool area..


The new camera does a pretty good job in overcast skies


They have a ready made and blooming rose garden as well…


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They had a very nice lunch , like the old days, with T-bone steak, shrimp and fixings.  I think Dad liked it.    We rested up a bit after as we waited to see if the storms headed in would get worse or less… it turned out to be mostly just a good rain so when it slacked up we loaded Dad and headed out for home

Of course I took the wrong turn at the 635 interchange and went right into the construction slow down and that took us an extra 30 or 40 minutes to get through but once through we made pretty good time all the way to Norman.  In Norman it looked like Wal-Mart had gas pretty cheep so we filled up there and got my 5cent discount and then off for home.

Arrived home and took about 15 minutes to dump the meat, say high and buy and off for Enid with Dad.  Got him home at about 8:20, checked his mail, got him settled a little and then turned for home and was back home by 9:45… pretty quick time for all that.    At that point, it was time for shower and bed… crash…       REX

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