Calendar Post by Month

April 2012


Little chores

As I near the day before a long trip I start going over the things I need to get done.  I just hope that I get most of them done so it will not be too big a mess when I get back.  The day started with one of those “I don’t want to get up” attitudes.  It was pushed over the edge with the answer from my back, legs and bladder “ You can’t stay in bed cause we won’t let you”.  To stop the horrible fight that was about to happen – I got up, took care of the more immediate business and then just moved around aimlessly.  Trying to get the aches, pains and other things smoothed out with simple movement.  I wonder how many other people have to do that? 

My first major decision of the day, read my email.  Having nothing of importance in either my personal or my work emails, I decided that “to hell with oatmeal” so I headed off to McD’s for pancakes and sausage.  They are not the best but they are good enough when you have had all the oatmeal you can stand and you know the next two weeks you are going to get ???? probably just breakfast bars and water.  

Once the morning breakfast run was over, I got back to the house and started gathering my necessary clothes for a two week trip.  Actually I pack enough for one week and fully intend to wash , or have them washed during the first week.  That usually works out ok but sometimes the second week I take on the “out too long” attitude and just re-wear some of the ones that are not too noticeably dirty or smelly.  What else can you do?  At least that is better than some of my former students that maybe had two sets of clothes that they wore for a whole month and by the smell they had not seen or touched water or soap during that entire time.   A few of them could  actually take the clothes off and they (the clothes) would crawl away on their own gasping for fresh air…

Back to my day, I didn’t get the selected clothes packed but got them out so I can do that in the morning.  I think I have all of them,or enough of them for what I need.  I do have a list of small stuff I need to get – breakfast bars, good zip-lock bags, and other stuff… Once that was done I rechecked the work email and had some contact with some of the guys going and discussed some of the things we were having to get done but not much else was going on.  I then went in for lunch.  Of course I was not wearing my hearing aids so I didn’t h ear a thing at lunch, but hey, that keeps me safe as I can always just say “ I didn’t hear that!”.  Works for me.

Once that was over I went and fueled up the Jeep so it is full while I am gone and determined I should also get the motor home out and get it fueled up.  Hell I have been meaning to get that done for months so today… I did it.  Got home, got the jacks all retracted, pulled out checked and, damn one tire is low… so got out the air hose and magic wand


and aired them all back up to desired pressure , while it was out I topped off the tires on the jeep as well.    Then off to the fueling stations.  Got both propane and diesel put in, about $275 worth for both.  I am now all set for getting out when I get home.  I may make a short trip the first weekend of May?  I got it home, backed it into it’s garage and then while I was out decided to do a little yard work.  I reset some drip watering times and mowed most of the yard.  The weeds were overtaking the grass in spots so I needed to “WHACK” them down so every7thing has a more even chance at growth.

In that process I noticed I have an abundance of little blue flowers popping up.


I suspect they are actually some weed but they are pretty just the same so I didn’t mow all them off…


I also had some taller variety that the butterflies were really interested in.


Once all that was done I put away my toys, went in the house and tried to cut out a short nap but every time I got close to slipping off something would happen so after the fourth interruption I gave that idea up and spent some time on the internet, reading some other blogs, catching up on the financial stuff… OUCH!   Seems we may be in for a “correction” or a real “downer” here and it is not even May yet? 

That pretty much was the day.  Tomorrow is the “for real” pack and get it all ready to head out.  REX

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