Calendar Post by Month

April 2012


Monday–the day after Sunday…

It was a work day… had several “on-line” training courses to knock out before the trip to Saudi.  Not that any of them were really necessary but I have to get it done and most were re-do from a long time ago.  I have several interruptions in the morning. 

At 9:30 the contract showed to look at the bathroom remodel project.  At 11:00 the electrical contractor had to come check to make sure they could get a circuit run for the floor heat we want to put in the bathroom.  at 12:00 it was off to lunch.  Just another lunch and nothing to write about.  After lunch I dropped the wife off at work and I went back and set up my rent car for Thursday (my way to get to the airport).  Everyone is busy this time so I will just get a car and take myself.  I then went to the Sprint store to ask questions about the Airrave we got way back last year

I had complained a lot and finally they offered to send me an Airrave to hook up to my internet and give me a hotspot here in the house for our cell phones… It never worked, it screwed up the network, we hooked it up wrong, we got mad and boxed it… I got it back out and decided to hook it up.  This time at a distant network connection to see if that would help.  It would connect to the internet, would get the GPS lock but not get on the mobile network, just a blinking amber light.  I had to do a bit of research on that but it appears it was never set up properly.  According to the documents it was to come ready to go, just plug it in and we were on the network… NOT!… they never set it up to work but just sent it to me with out any instructions that I had to call in and get it set up?  HUH! So the more I did digging the more I found out but the issue now is that it does not show on my list of equipment and it will cost an extra $5 per month to have it work here?  When I got it they said it was free, so either they lied or I mis-understood.  I have sent and email to customer support with the questions on why it was free but not set up and what I can do about it, if anything.  I am not sure how much the frustration of being cut off out weighs the ability to use our cell phones here at home consistently… but the price of ATT is going up for just a house phone and if we can just drop to the internet we might move the number over to an IP phone that is cheaper… or we may cut the cord of the phone all together and go cell phones.  I am not sure but am sure I need to start cutting things down.  All things to think about.

After that exercise I finished up another online course, worked on a few other minor things, published the Sunday post that was done late Monday cause I was tired Sunday…  I also did not get to play with my new camera enough to post any pictures today but maybe tomorrow… oh yea, tomorrow I have to get on my packing for the trip… It doesn’t take long but I like to get it done a day or two early so I can remember what I forgot… before I get out the door and realize I forgot it… makes sense to me…



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