Calendar Post by Month

April 2012


Small Town–Classic Car Show

Yesterday I made a trip to see Dad.  My first stop was for a sausage roll from the Spud-Nut shop…


I know they are not as healthy as I should eat but they sure are good…

Next is was for gas.  Even with the price down it was a pinch on the pocket..

Then off toward Enid.  My plan was to go through Perry and catch a little of the Classic Car show there.  I made the turns to the down town square and found a parking spot pretty easy as I was  pretty early.  Down town Perry is one of those old interesting down towns with a big square and a lot of big old buildings.  They do have something in most of them which is interesting even with out the car show


A little history painted on this building…

It is hard to pick all the great cars from the show.  I will put a few in here but I put in a link to my album  Hop’s Classic Car Show – Perry 4-28-2012.


I did like these old cars from that album…


In 1968 I had one like this in Yellow and white.  Mine was a lemon… first I had to totally replace the interior.  Did that all myself – painted all the metal trim out black and put in “tuck and roll” covers and new carpets (all black).  Then the engine went out.  It had a 265 V8 and the oiling system was to pump the oil up to the filter and the old then drained back down through the engine well the previous owner had not changed the oil in a long time and the lines were pretty plugged up and it ended up throwing a rod… “boom”.  We found a 283 from the junk yard and I replaced the engine with new clutch  and all… should have had the engine rebuilt as it had really bad blow-by and ran rough but sounded mean…   Next the brakes were totally worn out and I had to replace even the drums on the back and that was a big chore for me… then the damn shifter on the column broke off and I was driving it with a big screw-driver until I could get a  new shifter put in.  About then Dad decided we could get something else and I should of kept the next car as well…. a White 1964 2door Impala SS (327-300HHP) Now that was a really sweet ride… Something like this.

1964Impala(white)0511 034

Got this pic off the internet… daydreaming…

Anyway, back to the car show… the next two were cars I have always “lusted” after…


I would have taken any of the early Corvette from start to late 60’s…

or any of the early Thunderbirds…


But the last probably was about the 1958 or 59… although I am not really enthused about the color of this one..


One of my favorite cars was this one


As you can tell the day was not a picture day as it was cloudy and overcast so all the cars were a bit low in shine… but still pretty cool huh?

Flashed my way on to Enid, visited with Dad and took care of some of the things he had that needed attention and I went off for lunch at one of the old time favorites… I used to pull that 64 into the original on North Grande a lot… seems the burgers were a bit better back then?  maybe my memory is making them better?  Anyway I went to Lot-A-Burger… The original on North Grand


While there ran into an old friend and got to discuss a few current events… I think I hogged the conversation as I was in a hurry to get back…

Went back and took care of a few more things for Dad and visited with him for awhile then back home. 

Supper was at Bad Brads to use on of the half off coupons I bought a few weeks ago… the ribs were a bit “greasy” and mine were cold but the taste was pretty good… I still have 3 m ore coupons to use so I hope for a little better meal the next time

That ended my day and I should of wrote this up last night but just went to bed… although the damn weather radio kept going off for several hours so sleep was a bit disturbed for half the night


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