Calendar Post by Month

May 2012


May 1, 2012–long day

I was up way early, pulled the motor home out and hooked up the jeep. Told the wife I was running away from home and promptly left. 

Ok, the real story is that I found the repair job for the air conditioning unit (road unit) was not working.  Seems the Freon had leaked out again.  I had called the repair shop and they do have a 12 month warranty on that work so I was off to get it back to the repair shop for them to fix, again.  The repair shop is in OKC so that meant a long drive and it needed to be done early.  I was on the road a little before 7AM and realized that maybe I Needed to have started a lot earlier.  The wind form the south was hitting maybe 30mph already and that meant I was whipped around pretty good on the West bound road to I-35.  Once on the south bound on I-35 it was just a head wind so the whipping was a bit less but every vehicle that went by caused some pull.  I could only imagine what it would have been like with the old motorhome that was a lot more prone to being whipped by any wind.  We made it to the shop by 8:30 and dropped it off and jumped in the jeep and headed back home.  I  normally would of done some time in OKC but I had an appointment for 1:30 PM so felt I should get it on back home.  I did, however, take the back road all the way to where it (Sooner RD) meets I-35 and was a bit surprised that on that back road past the river… there are some HUGE homes and a lot of horse farms…


I filled up the jeep at Flying J and got a new discount card there then shuffled on home.  Once home I got some more work done for “The Company” then off to lunch

Saw this on the way… you can tell it was pretty windy huh… a regular kite would have been wiped out..  I think I saw him lift off the ground a few time drying to hang on?



After lunch I made my appointment – not a fun thing as it was the final booster shot for my overseas travel requirement and that did not feel good… OUCH!… I actually think the nurse tried to make hurt a little?  I then had to make a trip back across town to get my “paperwork” shipped off to “The Company” and one the way to the house I stopped to watch a little of the construction of the new “outdoor” practice field for OKSTATE… interesting and  it is pretty tall too…



I am not doing that for any amount!…


When I got back to the house I found this visitor on the door step…



It was a young tired Blue Bird… I also noticed the parents were watching pretty close.  Not much I could do for him but move him out of the way so I could mow… I found that another bird , probably a sparrow had attacked the nest and found one dead young one that had been pecked on the head.  I cleaned that out and left the others to their own in hopes the parents can save some of them. 

I got the lawn moved and some trimming done and in the process saved this very mis-placed flower?


We had planted some of these in the flower beds a few years ago and not sure how it got about 100 ft. away in a drain area but here it is… doing pretty well in that new spot? eventually the grass will take it out.

Later in the evening I attended the local Ham Club meeting.  Then – home and bed… very long day



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