Calendar Post by Month

May 2012


Some days…

There are days you can get things done, then there are days you try real hard and just do not seem to make any forward progress.  Yesterday was a day with very little progress, either forward or backward. 

The morning started with a conference call for work.  That seemed like a waste but I guess we did identify some issues but didn’t get anything worked out on any of them.  Next  I tried to get some “online” training done.   Every time I got started there was an interruption.  I finally gave that up at about 11am.  I went out to the shop and decided to upgrade my copy of Ham Radio Deluxe.  That went smooth enough and I even decided to go ahead and purchase the next copy with support.  Although if it goes like the last 4 copies I won’t call in for any support as things will just work ok and there will be plenty of answers in the forums – I hope.  I almost jumped in on making some contacts on PSK31 then got interrupted again?  Then it was lunch time.   When I got back from Lunch I tried to get some more of the “online” training done and finally got one – 1 hour course done.  Just took me 4 hours to do that?

Once I finished up that course I figured I should get after the one project I have been putting off for the last 12 days.  I needed to pick up the rocks that washed down my drain ditch in the delude from 3 weeks ago.  We got 4 inches of rain in a little less than 4 hours and much of that came during one hour of that early morning downpour… that caused the ditch to over flow and the excess runoff moved some rocks that weighted about 40lbs each from the top of the ditch to near the bottom.  Once they got started they just kept rolling down hill.  I posted this pictured before:


These were pictures taken a week earlier when it only rained 3/4 of an inch…



All those rocks came from 2 places that I could see..


This area was washed out pretty much between the arrows down to dirt…


This pictures does not tell well but all the red dirt in the middle was covered with more white rocks and I have moved many of them back into the hole here.

Now I will need to get some sack-Crete to mix and tie them all down and see if they can stay a while longer?  I may just have to concrete line the whole thing as you can tell I have lined portions and the washing has just moved to new areas… but not as bad as before…

Today I spent much of the day doing the rest of my “online” courses and working out some of the other small things I need to get done before going to see Dad tomorrow.   I did get the new HRD installed on the laptop but have not tested it out to see if it will work with the Signalink and radio yet.  Need to get that done soon. 

It was a nice evening as the wind slowed way down, it is nice and cool and I just enjoyed the evening on the back deck…




I should of gotten my fishing pole and hit the little pond for awhile but just setting was pretty nice for a change.



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