Calendar Post by Month

May 2012


Nothing, well not much anyway

I did not do much today… Spent the morning just playing with new ideas on the blog and reading up on some software things. 

Made it to lunch and took wife to check out the pricing on our “rework” project.  We are planning on redoing the bathroom and maybe replacing a door.  We got the pricing for the bathroom, stopped at Lowes to price a door and couldn’t get waited on so we left.  Went to the local door and window place and they are to call about the door

I then tried my best to drop off a new TNC for the local APRS digipeater but was blocked out by all the Special Olympics crowd.  They have the streets all shut down on the north side of campus so gave up on that .

Got home and did a little reading and took a short nap… then sat on the back deck , enjoying the cool temps and watching the birds… we have humming birds, house wrens, blue birds, mocking birds and others all pretty busy in the back yard… I did find the house wren next under the deck… glad she is not attacking our hanging plants this year…

I then read up on my waiting Yahoo mail and found one asking that I change the “object” designation on the local 444 repeater… seams the way I had it put in it would not show properly on the D710a… does anyone around here even have one of those?  I haven’t seen one in use here… but anyway I fixed what I could and left it at that…

Beyond that… nothing… just a day to take it all in and not really do much of anything… which is ok… I need days like that.



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