Calendar Post by Month

May 2012


One more trip, one more day to prepare…

Well yesterday I didn’t do enough to write about, or so I thought.  I basically spent the morning scanning pictures from some old stuff that Dad had stashed away , some was Mom’s and some was Grandma’s old pictures.  Amazing what you can find in those… I got about half of that last batch done and have maybe one more day or less of scanning from that box.  At noon I tracked down the Ham group and handed off the Tiny Trak that I bought for the club digi-peater… hope they can get it up soon.  In the afternoon I packed most of the stuff I had to have for my trip to “work”…

Today, I was off early for a trip to visit Dad.  He is to get out of rehab Monday and back to his apartment.  He will be much happier there, although he is not very strong yet so will have to take some time getting him self into the swing of things.  I left early so I could be home a little after noon.  On my way out of town I was passed by a very unfamiliar car


I tried several ways to get a picture from the front but was not successful and once we hit the edge of town… poof he was gone…

The only thing I could determine is the tag cover said “Austin Martin”   Might have been “James Bond” in disguise?

Next on I-35 I was passed by one of those “tornado chaser” cars… looks like one of those planes that is not visible to radar with all those angle plates on it and the little weather gauge stuff out the top… Again, I missed the chance to get a pictures and POOF – they were gone…

The only other thing I did get a picture of was the new flowers in the bulb garden… it was late in the day when I got the picture so the background washed out blue for some reason…?

They are pretty no matter…



That about did it for me… a short nap in the afternoon, a trip to fuel the jeep and get a Dominos hot sandwich for supper and some “hot lava cakes”… of which I could only eat 1/2 of one and now I don’t feel too good, stuffed… so need to rest it off and get to bed… tomorrow is a set of flights to ruin “mothers day” and two weeks of work in West Texas… oh boy!…



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