Calendar Post by Month

May 2012


Airline Travel….

I am sure I have expounded about my “dislike” for airline travel multiple times.  I have another one of those great experiences today… A day when I should be home with family.  Although I didn’t need to stay around much longer today as it was costing me dollars per minute today.  The Cell phone crap has to change… but that is another story for another day

I did get to the airport well ahead of the needed time… I was feeling a little … less than wonderful so had an ice-cream from the inside airport Sonic… they can’t screw that up too much… I then went to set out the wait at my gate… of course the one at the farthest end of the terminal… but OKC terminal is not too big so It is not a real big problem… I am there with maybe 35 others and people keep showing up… then the gate people show and promptly say the flight is over booked and would someone have “flexible” plans and consider delaying their travel for a fee?  Those fees are a joke as they are only coupons for future travel costs and must be used in a short period of time… Then they come right back and announce that the flight will be delayed… we know that as there is no plane here to take us away…

At this point there is a mad rush of people to stand in line to whine, complain and generally hassle the poor people that have no input on why it is late, or even how they can correct it until they get orders from …. “above”…

The line was maybe 40 deep then all of a sudden it was way bigger…

2012-05-13 15.53.36

maybe 5 or 6 in front of this and probably 10 behind what I could get in the picture

I saw that they opened a line on further down the terminal so I went down there with only 6 people in front of me and with in 40 minutes I got to the front… found out the times of the pending flight… figured I would be cutting my connection beyond reasonable so had them move my connection back an hour… good thing as we got in just after the connection left anyway…

I got back and sat down and the guy in the blue short (big fella) was just getting to the front… During all this I noticed a guy that was really raising heck with the pilots that had not way of fixing the fact that the plane they were to fly and had come to pilot was not there… Of course he was one of those less than nice zero U fans… not all are like that but his guy… was the general obnoxious type… I did get a picture of him in Dallas still wanting to chew on someone as he stopped at another counter…I know he was OU as he wore an Zero shirt under the other stuff… great combination though…


I didn’t have long to wait here as my changed flight was leaving soon so made my way down to the gate and stood for a few minutes then loaded… while on the plane I noticed a red light come on and stuff came falling out of a shut… if you have gate checked stuff… don’t make it your best stuff …


Finally someone came over and looked them got a cart to move it over to another plane on the other side… just a few more and they would have been out in the roadway for those carts flying by…

I did make it to destination and did get into a hotel… thought I was lost but turned out I guessed right twice and made it with out much delay… checked in and they said “we have upgraded you to a suite,  You don’t mind having a big table in there?”  I thought, an upgrade, sure, that sounds nice… turns out it was not much of an upgrade… but I did get a big table… the board room table…


What next?  I guess this is a spare meeting room?  it is on the 23rd floor… but was dark so haven’t looked to see if there is anything to see..


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