Calendar Post by Month

May 2012


Catchup days

Well, it has been a few days with out enough thought on my part to write up what has happened… So, here is the short story..

Thursday we finished up work and I hit the road.  I decided to drive home 9.5 hour trip by the maps.  My decision was based on the fact that I could not get my flights changed form late, late Friday evening to Thursday anytime or even Friday morning, so I was not in the waiting mood..  Would you want to wait almost 2 days in Odessa, TX???

I started out at about 2:30 or 3pm on Thursday and figured that where ever I got tired I would stop and then finish up the next day… I was on the interstate (I-20) headed east and making pretty good time.. I was amazed that out at the edge and in some of the oil areas there is a huge amount of wind generators being put in… from east of Midland all the way to Abilene there are groups of these great big fans…



They are really big when you get up close but from the highway and in these pictures they just do not look al that big… I have  seen the head that goes on the top and the box up there is big enough to be a garage for most large cars… amazing…

I also saw several of these places….

Selling yard ornaments… now who wouldn’t want a 8 foot tall orange and green chicken… of a 5 ft tall pink flamingo… ?

I hit “White Settlement” about 7:20pm and called ahead to my daughters to see if they would be up and they had a room for me… great… When I got there my grandson was waiting up for me so we had a tickle fest for about 10 minutes then he was off to bed…

The next morning consisted of taking him to get breakfast and me heading on home by about 8:30am…

I made the trip north with no problems and got into OKC about 12:15… there I Had to swing by the airport to drop off the rent car and get a shuttle ride home… That took longer than it should of but I was again out of there by about 1:15 or a bit later and into home by 2:30pm… my flight from Odessa would not leave for another 3 hours, and I would have been home for another 7 hours… not a pleasant thought , even though I had to drive all that way it was not a bad drive and split into two section it was actually pretty nice…

Yesterday , Saturday, I did not do much more than move from one chair to the next… I was tired and wore out and needed some extra sleep, so …. I took an afternoon nap…

Today we were late getting up and then decided to have breakfast out… after that we made a drive out around McMurtry Lake to see if it was full… They were full in most of the campgrounds but not over full and if not for  the wind, it would have been pretty nice out.  

We got back from that and had a little lunch and then I spent most of the afternoon reading the paper, catching up on mail and other things… This evening I sat on the back deck and watched the birds as the sun went down and then watched for the bats flashing by in the twilight… it was pretty nice out this evening when the wind died down and the temp was just real nice… Could have been a nice night camped out as well… maybe in a few weeks? That was my past 3 days, nothing big or exciting there, just plain living the days and enjoying what comes our way…



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