Calendar Post by Month

May 2012


Flip-Flops and birds

It was a wonderful day… well for being out.  I tried to work some today and was getting nowhere so took off to get things in town done.  Had yearly check up at the Dr office .  Same old thing, “you should loose a bit more of that weight… otherwise you seem to be doing pretty good”… well good is relative considering that my back is wore out, I can’t hear, can’t see (at least can’t read without glasses), all my joints hurt, etc.… and I am loosing some hair now… but otherwise I guess I am ok…

Next I made a stop to see if I could get a hair cut… busy… then went on and got a refill cartridge for the printer since I run the other one empty…

I Then made a swing by the store, got a few items and rushed home to get some “green chili” started… we haven’t had green in a long time and I was in the mood… once that was all ready and moved to the crock pot to simmer for the rest of the day I took back off for lunch.  We had lunch at the Original Hideaway.  Which is not really the original.  I remember the original and it was around the block where a coffee shop is now but the boxes you get from there say “original”… Now I was not there in 57 when they started but was about 10 years later give or take a few and that was the “golden” era of the VW bug delivery… they had a fleet of those running all over town…   On the way back in I came across this new kind of vehicle…


I has to be a new vehicle as it didn’t look like the dog?

After lunch, I headed home but found an interesting  piece of OOOPs on the highway…


someone is really going to be pissed when they find they lost all their flip-flops on the way out of town…

Once I got home I noticed a little bird immediately fly to the Jeep?  I had noticed this little bird several times the past few days,  flying away when I got in the jeep? It was a house wren and it flew over to a tree about 30 ft. away and just waited  most times… today it was back at the jeep before I had even gotten it fully turned off and I was not even out yet… I sat and watched and it disappeared under the jeep… I got my stuff out and took most of it to the house.  I had picked up …. a wren house… since I figured they needed something other than my jeep to nest in.    Later when the wife got home I told here to come out and see if we could see the wren attacking my jeep… sure enough it fly out but this time we had a better idea where… I have not confirmed but think it has a next in the tube that ties the frame together behind the front bumper… I will leave it at that and she will just have to make do with it being gone for extended periods… hopefully if they are in there they will be out in a couple of weeks and I will give it a good flush out as you can’t really see down that tube due to the bumper curling around it… oh well.   I hung up the new wren house but figure it is a bit late now for this years nesting… but we are prepared for next year.

Now that I have been nice to one set of birds I am being mean to some others… I set the “sparrow trap” again as they are taking over the martin houses and every thing else that they can nest in… they attacked the blue bird nest on the west side of the shop back early last month and I found one dead baby blue in that nest… I assume it was sparrow as that is about the only other bird that will try to take over a blue bird box… I have written on that before here in good and bad birds.  I did a follow up on it in the trap revisited.  I now have two in the trap and leaving them for a few days a “bait” for more of those pesky sparrows… I also saw that we had no martins in one of the martin houses and I dumped it out… 5 young sparrows met the end before they could be nest robbers…

While I was getting the wren house I also picked up some pots to split out one of Mom’s favorite plants that Dad had kept for the last 10 years and every so many years he had to split it out as it soon over flowed the pot it was in… Mom had gotten an Aloe Vera plant a long time ago ( maybe 40 years ago) and this thing had sent off little plants for a really long time… actually I got some of them about 20 years ago but in one of my moved they got too cold and didn’t make it to the next move… but now it was time to spilt that thing up since I inherited it last year when we moved Dad to his apartment.  I now have 5 pots with Aloe Vera in them and hope most live as I am going to share it around the family again… tomorrow I will repot the “airplane” plant that I also inherited.  It needs a better pot or something and probably needs more sun than it get in the bedroom window… it may also need less water than I give it so I got some “self-watering” pots that will feed form the bottom. 

After all that excitement I finished up the green chili and we had supper… bean burritos smothered in green chili… damn good… but my kids probably don’t like it cause they left before we started dishing it up… too bad..or too good?  better than the chili paste they make or the over doctored stir fry… each to their own taste, but I can’t handle the over peppered or soy sauced stuff anymore… mind you I like a little spice and a little flavor but I don’t want spice to be the only flavor…

After supper I sat out on the back deck for a while as the temp was great.  The mocking bird was giving it fits… then “WHAP”… I looked over and the mocking bird, probably one of the young ones, flew right into the shop window… I didn’t have the camera and before I could figure it was alive or dead it started shaking it’s head and pretty soon was off to the tree, so no real harm done… it was quiet for about 20 minutes after that then he cranked it up again… I guess they don’t have long hang-overs?    As the sun went down it got too cool for the shorts I had on so I came in and finished up my few remaining items to get ready for bed… another great day… just wish the weather and temp would be like this more often…



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