Calendar Post by Month

June 2012


Lazy Saturday

Well it was a lazy day… I have a big list of things I should do and none of them were done today… well I guess visiting the Oklahoma State Botanical Garden was on the list… it is always on that list…

Morning started slow… just couldn’t get rolled out early but did get around by 8am… then took off to get some breakfast as the wife went to her exercise class…   My breakfast??? a Spudnut sausage roll!… them things are so soft and so good… anyway took that to the park and while there called Dad to see how he was getting on this morning… after that I made it home by the back road “Lakeview” and saw some changes… They are dozing down a lot of the old damaged trees on Range road.  They were damaged by tornado a year or two ago and just were not looking good so I guess they are taking some of them out…

Once home I refilled the water and seed for the sparrow trap… we have 3 now… slowly but surely I will then those pests down… then I got the newspaper and did a little reading on the big happening in and around Stillwater.  Not much, I think the paper today was maybe 6 pages… and most of that is ads and such… oh well I don’t think we will renew that subscription, may check about an on-line version?  save the paper and planet you know…

After that we discussed what to do today and it came that the Botanical Garden was having open house today from 9 to 3 so we determined to get over and see the new additions. 

Of course we left and I forgot my camera so there are not current pictures for this post…

The new stuff is called the “Studio Gardens”… pretty interesting as they have a lot of different small concept gardens in this group… gives you a lot more ideas on what you can do in your own yard… which is a bad idea as we now have too many things that need to be improved on?  In this new area there are things like the “green cottage” which has all manner of “green” things included in it… including solar heat, solar elec., etc.     Here is a snip from their page:

“The GREEN Cottage

The GREEN Cottage employs a variety of alternative energy and resource conservation techniques applicable to the home landscape. Green systems include passive solar heating and lighting, electrical energy from the sun and wind, rainwater capture and redistribution, and a water saving landscape plan. The GREEN Cottage serves as an educational tool and research site. Systems are monitored regularly and collected data is used to evaluate the viability of such systems for Oklahoma consumers.

This project was funded through a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce Energy Division.”

Another small section is the Birds, Bees and Butterflies and boy were the butterflies busy on some of this… they were hitting some plants a lot more than others but they were everywhere..

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If you haven’t been out there in some time you should stop at the new entrance on the south side off Hwy 51 and check out the trail in the new sections… very nice.

When we left there we went on in to town and filled the car… OUCH! even with the price down a bunch it was near $50.  Then we pulled into a “car wash”… not one of the regular ones, but one that a bunch of kids were manning to make money… we donated to the cause and they gave the car a decent once over… It could probably use several good going over sessions but we ended it with the just once… we then checked out some flower spots to try and find something for a special pot but just didn’t see what we were looking for, made a stop at the West Wal-Mart and actually walked out with out buying anything… Imagine that?

Once home it was lazy time again… then some quick fix-in supper of burrito and more of the left-over “green chile”… I think I better stop with that as I am really getting “gassed” up over the been burritos now…

I then did another plant transplant from an old pot to several new ones… this time it was the airplane plant… splitting it out some… hope it lives… and that was about it other than some time on the back deck watching the sun go down… it damn sure was not as cool tonight was it had been last night… in fact it was just a bit on the hot and muggy side, but with the fan turned on it was ok… and that was the day

I really need to get some stronger “spirit” and get some things done… maybe tomorrow?  



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