Calendar Post by Month

June 2012


Bikes and Power tours… with music

It has been a few days because I have been busy… two days of tripping to Enid took up most of my week… but today… I stayed in to do some things I wanted to..

Today started slow and ended that way too.  I got around check email did my limited amount of keeping up with the work stuff then had a friend come over so we could see if we could get some small things worked out on his Kenwood D700.  It is mounted in a Harley Trike and he intends to make a long road trip in a month or so that will take him all the way to Maine then down the eastern states, through Florida and back home… long trip?  Anyway he wanted to get his D700 working on APRS so his family could track them and see where they are on a daily or even less basis… I had never worked with a D700 but had done a little reading to get prepared.  We did get it where it could receive my signals and understand those packets.  That was a pretty big accomplishment.  I should of gotten pictures but, alas, was too busy involved in the problem at hand to think of pictures.  The transmit side was not working as his GPS gave out and was not sending data to the radio?  Actually it would not turn on so that is a project for him to work on and get fixed but with the radio in the proper modes and hearing APRS data and displaying it properly the transmit part should be easy now?  WE hope.

I was then off to lunch.  I had been informed that the 2012 HotRod Power tour was coming though town… The original plans had been for it to go through the Kicker facility but from what I saw in the university parking lost… it would never had fit… something like 4000 participants signed for the whole thing and there is not telling how many locally joined in.  I met several that were only local participants so I would guess we had maybe 12000 people on the campus in the parking lots taking part in a great day

The Power Tour is great for those that like to see vintage cars, hotrods, power toys, etc. all in one spot… I saw more 67 – 70 Chevelle’s, late 60’s GTO’s and Chevy Nova’s than I had seen in years… What a treat… once I let the wife off after lunch I spent the whole afternoon walking the show, looking and getting pictures… and it didn’t end there… when she got off work we took a small walk around before they started packing up and then came home… took a few minutes then went back to the Union for the music of Jack and Dave… a pair of “vintage” guys that play pretty good 60’s through 80’s type music… had a burger at the new venue in the union and then started our way home… but decided to cruise the motel parking lots as there were lots and lots of the tour participants at the motels… We even took a chance and talked to  one of the guys out polishing down his car before the last leg to Dallas… What an enjoyable evening…

I hope to select some of the better pictures for an album later… I took over 400 today… but here are a few of the ones that caught my eye…

SAM_2834Look at the size of those tires!!!

SAM_2844  SAM_2854

SAM_2859  SAM_2871

Some of them were for sale… I think this guy said $40,000 plus?  Only difference between the MEN and the boys is the price of the toys…!


One of several “diesel” powered rods in the tour… several trucks of vintage…


Look at the engine first… the car may be a little rough but what a power plant…


Speaks for itself!


It was a rough day on the road?… or a long week so far?


Speaking of rough weeks… the support trailer needs a fix as well?


Not quit the “Blues Brothers” but it is the “Elwood Brothers”… they had two entries and both run Flathead V-8…


Can you possibly be anymore BLOWN?


OK, it has it’s own name here…

That is all for now… maybe more when I get the album up at Picasa or Google+ or something…

I did a little search and found that the “mothers” page has some pretty good pictures too…


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