Calendar Post by Month

June 2012


The day he GPS died

Well, today was an adventure.  It started way too early as we were out by 4AM… on the road for a 1.5 hour ride to our next location.  We got there about the right time and spent most of the morning on that location watching, asking questions and checking paperwork… early in the morning I came across this fellow…


Once we had done all we felt we could do we decided to take off to a second location about 45 minutes away… we left the first location about 10:30 am… got into Morgantown and stopped for lunchnothing to write about there… then off we went in search of the second location… leaving town about 11:40 or so… we were using a GPS with coordinates to get us to where we thought we needed to go… it took us on a road that at best was a trail but in the middle of this there were houses and paving at times… but it was barely one lane in most spots… we came out on a two lane paved road, went the designated few miles south and ….. nothing but a house?  the GPS said we should be there or real close but we couldn’t see anything… We huddled up and determined that it had to be further in toward the next town?  so off we went all the time the GPS saying we needed to turn back?  but we knew better…

We hit the major road and headed off along the river… what river??? I would not know till much later in the day that it was the Monongahela at Fairmont. 


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We went in several directions, followed the GPS again and it took us to a dead end but later we found out that the dead-end was just on the other side of the mountain from where we needed to be, but you couldn’t see it or tell where IT was… so finally we determined, after about 2 hours to back track to where we were told it was real close and right there, were the markers not more than a few hundred yards from where we had stopped before.  We even remember saying we could hear a dozer or something backing up… and how this deer sure should be tired standing in that yard all the time


This picture of the deer is from the back side coming out after we found the location and we had passed by it on the other side … about 2 hours before…

Once we made the correct turn and got to the top of the hill the dozer was there working at the site we needed to be at… sheesh we should pay more attention I guess but in this part of the country you can’t see much of anything and pictures are real hard to take from a moving vehicle… see what I mean..


Although when you can get a spot it is pretty nice out there…


It just isn’t that easy to find an open spot with no trees in the way… and that was out day… we finished up as normal, late, and back to the hotel to get ready for another day..



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