Calendar Post by Month

June 2012


Wild Hair up you know where…

Yesterday was a “wild hair” day.  But first, we had decided we did not like the tile job in the bathroom and the damn floor was cold so after watching hundreds of hours of Holmes on Homes it occurred to us to redo the tile floor and put down some heat mats.  We also did not like the toilets we got when we built the house so we plan to change that one out for a different unit as well.  The crew started fairly early  and ripped out the old floor, and it sure didn’t take long…



in the above you can see the mess after the tile was broken out and then in the bottom see the roll of heating mat that will go down and that the electrician was already in and had run the wire for the heating mat.  I also had the electrician put in some attic lights while he was up there… something I should have done when we built but at that point I had no intention of getting up there but now, just this year, we have had three occasions to have people up there.  Fortunately not me but still we needed some light up there…

They got the mat all down by the end of the day and needed to let it set before they started with the tile placement…



Since we are not covering everything they had to put down some lift to level out the areas some. 

Now to the wild hair… as if redoing a new bathroom is not enough….

When I got home from lunch I decided that the Jeep had been neglected long enough and proceeded to wash and was it… I forgot how hard that work was… started about 1:45 and finished about 7:00pm… “was on”  – “was off”… ouch..


And the little devil in the picture is not really photo shop… even though at times I felt like it was punishment… that is the reflection from the orange Okla. State plastic and bright tag on my sons Exterra… strange how it reflected a fiery face?

And that was the day yesterday… today?  they will return, even though it is Saturday, to put the tile down.  I have to go get the new toilet and take care of some other business for work.



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