Calendar Post by Month

June 2012


Mistakes and fishing

Today was just another one of those days.  The days when you realize the mistakes you made at some earlier point

I got up , had my oatmeal and waited on the tile crew… well, gave up waiting so went out and got the mower going… actually got all but the pond dam mowed.  The tile guys showed and got after the repair of two loose and broken tiles in the kitchen and grouting the bathroom…

The mowing took me until about 11am and then I went to town, picked up some batteries and misc. stuff and went on to lunch.  Boy was it hot today… well over 100.  Just as I was about to go get my haircut we got a call from home.  They had started to take the “bench” out of the shower and found more problems than we had anticipated… 1.  There was no tile behind it like we thought… 2. it had been leaking and had some mold and was wet behind it.  The big mistake was letting the original construction guys get by with putting in such a crappy bench… when I asked for a bench I was thinking a corner, hanging shelf to set on not that monster thing they put in… I also figured they would do a good job of sealing it up but that was not something they intended as that would cost more money and time, and effort… oh well, good to be pulling it out now and finding the problems before the problem got too big to fix…


So now it appears we have to take up most of the floor, and not sure how much more to get rid of all the bad stuff and then put it down, hopefully the right way?…

When I got back to find this the crew was about to leave… I had hoped they would just go ahead and get started on the taking it out so we could get it back in this week?  but that was not in their orders so they left early and we still do not have out bathroom finished so that we can use it… I may just leave the toilet in there for a bench???


After all that I worked on a few more computer things in the shop and set in the new chair and tried to get a nap but was not successful then figured why not just go fishing?  I had not been in a year or more and the pond was back up… so I grabbed a pole with a plastic minnow and hit the pond about 6:45… caught about 6 or so small bass.  One was so damn hungry he sucked the hook deep and ended up killing that one… but all the others were promptly put back in the pond for several more attempts at catching… the killed one I tried to dress out but I messed it up more than cleaning… I hope to do much better next time

Beyond all that it was just a damn hot day… maybe tomorrow I can finish up the mowing and maybe do a little weed trimming around… before it gets too hot…



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