Calendar Post by Month

June 2012


What will you become?

It has occurred to me that I have picked up traits from both my parents.  Traits that I watched when I was younger and even at times made remarks to the effect that I thought they were over the top in some things… Well, I just caught myself in another of my mothers special traits.  Mind you I thought it was great but a bit excessive?  The trait is feeling that you just can’t leave “dirty” things out.  Now even though I have picked up some of that trait, I am still no where near her level of clean… today and tonight I just got totally fed up with having dirty dishes setting in the sink for days on end while we all waited for “someone” else  to get the clean ones out and put the dirty ones in… to add to that, since they are just dumped in the sink they really never come clean in the washer… we all tend to eat stuff that, when left on the dishes, it gets really hard and not even our “hard water’ has a chance to beat it off…  This anal attitude started this morning

I woke up first at 4am then drifted between sleep and not sleep until about 6:30… got up and decided that I would get out for a walk… it took me 45 minutes to get my self out but I did get in a 2+ mile walk in about 45 minutes… once back I had my bowl of oatmeal and as I was about to dump it in the sink I got totally frustrated with the pile that was left there from yesterday and the day before and …. so I emptied the washer… finding several items that did not come clean and I put them right back in.  I then put in all I could get in which still left one half the sink full and the stove top still covered with pans and stuff totally crudded up… I then moved on to get some of my work done… Still have to do work for my job so I can get paid…

Once I got my paperwork caught up and emails run through I gathered up the stuff that needed to be shipped out and headed for town.  A stop at the bank to deposit one of those huge $3 checks Sherrie gets for doing online surveys.  I used to get paid but the outfit I do for now has a point system and you can use the points to get stuff … not money… so I don’t do very many of those anymore… I then went on to FedEx and shipped out my paper work… and then picked up some medicine from the Dr’s office and then we went to lunch

Lunch was a break in tradition today… we almost never go to Carl’s but I had coupons and it sounded ok today so we took in Carl’s and Sherrie had the salad which I should of done and I had the grilled bacon and cheese burger combo… with the coupons we got out for under $10 for the both of us… not great but not bad…

After lunch I hurried back home as we had been told “they” would come to work on the bathroom… well “they” turned out to be just the plumber and he got here about 2:30 or 3.  He came to set the toilet.  I probably could have done that but they did a better job by using a bigger wax ring than came with the unit, and silicone sealed around it at the base as well as made sure it was tight and right… During the process of his putting it in, we discussed the old one and why I was swapping out for a new one… he agreed the old ones we got with the house were the cheapest things on the market.  The more we replace and repair stuff, we find that we got very little from our builder and less from the people that he hired to put  stuff in.  They “cheeped” us on about everything

Since I got back well before “they” showed, I got a couple of small chores done.  First I emptied the bird houses and wasted the sparrow population that was in them… 9 less possible raiders in our yard to attack the blue birds and fight off the purple martins, if they ever come back.  I also took the dash out of the jeep and tried to tighten the ground connection to the instrument panel.  From dayone that has caused problems.  It somehow looses ground connection and the panel goes dead… I can bang on it and it will all come back but it continues to get worse until I must take it out and re-work the ground.  This time the ground was tight? so I figure it may have been loose connection in one of the plugs in the back so I twisted the links to make a tighter connection and hope that holds for a few more years. 

After the plumber left I worked on the computer network and had it all working fine until Ryan got home and fired up his small laptop and that caused the new mac air to get locked out as well as took the whole network down?  I got it back up and it appears to be running but somehow I think there is a conflict between his Linux netbook and the Apple mac air?  I thought I had it by assigning IP addresses but that didn’t work tonight and I had to reset the one for the Mac?  I hope to find the problem at some point but till then it will just have to be a pain

Beyond that I didn’t get much done although it was 4:30 pm before I got to all that so I worked on a few things on the internet…you know play stuff…

When it came time for supper we decided to have grilled hotdogs and fresh tomatoes… I went out to start the grill and found it in the same shape as the sink had been this morning, a real mess.  Seems the grill plates are beyond usable anymore, They had a huge lump of stuff in the back that I couldn’t scrape or bang out?  The starter does not work and the new burners and deflectors I put in last fall were all a mess as well… I did some scratching and cleaning to a limited extent, enough to put on a griddle I had purchased last fall (which it too was a nasty mess and had to be scratched clean).  We got the dogs cooked and the buns I had pulled from the freezer were nasty so I threw them out along with several other things that were well out of date in the refrig… On the grill, I guess I either need to get more parts for the grill or look at getting a new grill?

Once dinner was done I still had the same attitude as this morning, so I again emptied the washer and this time got everything in from all the piles but I had to hand scrub a lot of it to get the hard stuff knocked down so the washer could actually clean it…  Even some of the stuff from this morning didn’t come clean and had to be run through again… you don’t save anything if you have to do it twice or three times because you were waiting for a full load or what ever other reason (general laziness) is used to not just take care of it when you are there… anyway the sink is clean now, at least for a few hours…

With all that I decided to give up, get my shower done and go to bed.  sure wish we had our shower up stairs fixed… maybe by next month?  Oh wait, next month will be Monday?  ain’t going to be done by then…



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