Calendar Post by Month

June 2012


What a nice evening

The day started with my 2+ mile walk… it actually come out pretty close to 2.5 and a bit more but the hill at the end is a killer… not bad when you start and your going downhill for over a half mile but after you have done 2 miles and then tack on that vertical monster it can take it out of you…

Once my walk was done I had a normal breakfast of oatmeal but no Tang today as I was out… just had water… I can’t drink orange juice much anymore as the acid does double on my acid reflux so I stick with a substitute for the vitamin C… not the best alternative as there is sugar in it too but you can’t have all good and no bad, right?

I then finished up some work emails answers and probably should of put a little more time in on some reviews but just didn’t have the feel for it.  I then got after paying and bringing up the checkbooks and accounts… we are still spending a lot on the discover card… and I really need to start getting the cut back?  maybe we need to go back to a cash system but that card gives me 5 cents off on gas purchase and 1% back on everything… not sure the trade off is all that good?  if we were doing cash I suspect we would spend less than the 1% rebate I am getting…? oh well.

I then loaded up some recycle and hauled that off, made an appointment for my dentist visit on Tuesday, stopped at staples to get some card stock to print out some “special” business cards then it was off to lunch

We went to the Thai place and shared a plate which is still probably more than we need but it is good and the price is reasonable if you share at $8 for the plate with extra egg roll and bowl of soup… After lunch I made a stop at Sears and Lowes…

Yesterday I was “whining” about my grill being really in bad shape so I figured I would check out new grills and or repair parts… now I can get some generic replacement parts for the grill, the heat shields and such … they do have a new sparker but I don’t think that is my main problem with the lighter?  but at Sears they have a pretty nice new grill on sale (about 40% off) that is porcelain grates, pretty good porcelain covered heat deflectors, stainless in all other places, and it comes with a steamer insert that replaces one of the grates to steam foods…? It also has a 10 year warranty on the burners, which is way more than the one I have now… it was 1 year on some stuff and nothing on the rest… ha!  I am tempted to get the new grill as the kids to cook out a lot and a good grill would sure help that effort some… not sure it will always help the actual cooking but that is a learned trait anyway… like yesterday I remember my Dad cooking out every Sunday and Grandpa always asking what was the “burnt offering for today”?   Dad worked on that for years before he actually got pretty good at it but every time you change the grill the learning begins again… oh you can do well enough to get by but to be accurate with “done” medium or rare… you have to practice a lot and when your changing from chicken, to pork, to steak it is an art more than a science…  Too many times grill cooking was done just to get it out of the way and for really good grill cooking it takes time and effort to watch the cooking pretty close… you can’t slap it on and come back in 15 minutes and plan on having anything of quality… just my thoughts… Anyway after the Sears visit I went to Lowes and they are to have a sale this weekend as well but I didn’t see anything that compared to the Kenmore except the Weber at Lowes and it is about $200 higher and still not porcelain coated grates… ?  So, I am thinking about it for now… will see how I feel tomorrow…

After that I came home, read the paper, checked the mail, paid another bill and then set down to catch a recorded show… at the end of that show… I just crashed out and took me a nap… Damn that new love seat… you prop your feet up and my eyelids get heavy… kind of like those old dolls that would close there eyes if you laid them down…

When I got up from that it was about time Sherrie to be home and we sat and discussed going to Wal-Mart but gave that up but we did make it to Braums for a chocolate shake…

I ended the day with a glass of wine on the back deck enjoying that it had cooled down to the low 80’s here, and with a fan on it was pretty nice out for a change… and some clouds in the west gave a rather nice sunset as well… read up on the latest of things I track and then came back in by 9:45, in time for a shower and headed to bed… A great way to end the day… not matter how hot it was during the day



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