Calendar Post by Month

September 2012


No-Labor day…

Yes today was “NO LABOR” day for me… didn’t do much of anything.   Was late getting up so we didn’t make it to church… cause I prefer to go to the early service at 8:30 so in stead we went to breakfast.  Ruined my whole week of eating oatmeal and good stuff by having pancakes and bacon…

After breakfast we puttered home, stopping in at several places just to look cause there really wasn’t anyone out and about this morning?  Must have had too many parties or the heat of the game day and all the activity had wore everyone out?  Anyway on the drive home we spotted this accident…



Not sure if it was a protest against the dealership, the color, the make, the model or what, but the birds sure gave this one “what for”…….

The rest of the day was spent doing little to nothing… some reading, some study, a nap and a little cleaning out.    I tried to make up for the breakfast by not having lunch until 4pm and then no supper.  Well, I did have a small bowl of ice-cream but that doesn’t count, right?

Tomorrow is Labor Day but I doubt that I will labor then either, although I do have to get some stuff and get my packing done to leave Tuesday.  Not really looking forward to the long trip.  I don’t mind the work once we get there but the travel really sucks.  It is what it is and they do pay me for it so I will do it a while longer since I am not independently wealthy.  I do play the lottery every so often that isn’t working out so well for me either.



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