Calendar Post by Month

September 2012


The greatest story about Taxes

I got this as a subscriber to the free email… I love the way he put it and it really makes sense to me… it does not take sides on Flat Tax or Fair Tax but presents a great scenario about why our tax system in the US is just WRONG….

A Mickey-Mouse Tax Plan to Save America

By Jeff Clark
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The United States of America should be the happiest place on Earth. We just need to change our income-tax structure. Let me explain…

After filing and paying my 2011 taxes, there was still a little money left in my checking account. So I decided to splurge a bit and take the wife and kids on a mini-vacation to Disneyland. As I stood in the ticket line outside “the happiest place on Earth,” I noticed the wide variety of people standing in line with me.

There were tall people… short people… fat people… skinny people… people of every ethnic background imaginable. There were kids, teenagers, young adults, mid-lifers, and senior citizens. Every genetic and chromosomal background possible was represented, as was – I think – every income class.

Certainly the gentleman in front of me with the tapered slacks, the Faconnable pullover shirt, and the Cole Haan walking shoes earned a decent living. In front of him, though, was a man wearing oversized denim shorts, a “Battle of the Bands 2009” t-shirt, and a stained baseball cap. He probably wasn’t doing as well financially.

But here’s the thing… we all paid the same price for our admission tickets….


we should be asking the U.S. government why it doesn’t have a tax policy similar to Disney’s admissions rate.”

I agree…  if we all pay the same, no matter what we make, or have then how can that be a bad thing… and I mean the same as in percent of what we make… if we all pay 15% of what we make and I make $50,000 but you make $500,000  the dollar amount is different but we all hurt the same amount right?  so those that make millions will pay millions but those of us that don’t do not have to pay the most… currently the convoluted tax schedule has about 50% of the people paying no tax… some wealthy pay no tax as well… so the middle of the road people pay most of the tax… and the 49% that are paying support everyone else …. that is not fair either…

Like Daddy always said…. “figures never lie, but liars always figure” (how to make you pay more than they do)…



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