Calendar Post by Month

September 2012


Downtown Perth

I am in Perth for a few days working on some things for the boss… I think that I may be getting too old to travel?  or I need some one to watch after me.  We got here Thursday night.  I started unpacking things to get ready for Friday’s work session and in going through my stuff… I can’t find my colored safety glasses.  I also can not find my wireless mouse… ???? The mouse is a surprise in that I normally have it in the bottom of my travel bag but I guess I took it out for the few hours we worked in Moomba and left it on the table or ?  not sure.  The glasses I am thinking fell out in the push to get through security checks when I had to remove my coat (which they were in the pocket) and take out the laptop, and the tablet and take off my belt and empty all my pockets and , and and… then grabbing my stuff to get it back in the bags and then get swabbed down for explosives or what ever… anyway in all that hassle the glasses disappeared… for that matter the mouse may have disappeared as well.  Not like  my stuff was totally locked up when we went to lunch and while it was setting around in the offices, etc.… oh well… small loss if it had been something more important I would be pissed but the mouse I had intended to replace anyway as the wireless usb plug was too big and sticks way out all the time… just helped me speed that process up…

In Perth it is at least cleared up and warmed up yesterday to a pretty nice temp…

At noon we decided we better get to a bank to get some cash for over here… I can’t or don’t remember my pin for my amex card so I had to go to the counter to get cash on the business account… well that was not easy… Stupid me, I pick the counter where they are training a new cashier which actually she was pretty efficient but the hassle of it all was way too long… They had to call to get authorization, and the first two calls were to the wrong numbers.  DOH!… and when they call there is a very very long wait to get through just like we have when we get those damn automated systems… anyway after 3 calls and filling out 3 different receipts I got the cash.  I need to get that pin to use the ATM…

In Perth the buildings are a mixture of contrasts.  New and Old next to each other… and the contrast of the people is just about as strange as well…


On our last trip we visited a really good Gourmet Hamburger joint and went back there this time… still pretty good burgers.


Only real problem is the economics here… There were two of us, we each had a burger, the “chips” which are French fries in the center bowl and a beer … the total for that was ……..$60 and the Australian dollar is a little bit better than the US so it will end up being about $67 Us dollars… Being a bit cheap and cost adverse… I cringe every time we go out… but it is the price you pay here… oh and the minimum wage is $14/hr. here as I understand so that is why the prices are way up… I guess? 

We have some work today but may take a train ride out to the beach?  not sure yet…



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