Calendar Post by Month

September 2012


Wonderful evening

It was a great evening… pretty nice day as well.  I had it in my mind that it was time for a big pot of beans… so last night I rinsed them and set them to soak… this morning I drained and rinsed again and “doctored” them up with smoked sausage and spices and set in the slow cooker for an all day slow burn… they turned out pretty good.  Too bad my kids do not like beans but that is ok… I don’t normally go for a lot of the stuff they like.   Last night we discussed that we missed the plain meals.  I miss the things like fried chicken dinners and meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans with bits of bacon, all the things mom used to make…  so beans were quick and easy and I put them on.

After dinner I set out on the back deck and enjoyed a glass or two of wine and did some reading… hoping that the distant rain storms would move a little further north but appears they will slide by to the south? 

It was a great day.  I could handle a few more like this… work a little, nap a little and have a good meal or plain food… then top that off with quiet on the back deck and a glass of wine to calm all the things away…

I was thinking about several things , nothing in particular but it came to mind that there are too many immediate cries for retaliation when some state their beliefs and it does not fit with the “status quo” of the others… My feeling is we would all still live in caves or teepees if there were not those that believed differently or did not agree with the norm or accepted… blind faith is dangerous for the many as well as the few…just my thoughts on that…



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