Calendar Post by Month

October 2012


Idiots in trucks, Autocycles, and double or triple suns?

Yesterday we were off early as I had a 9am appointment in OKC to get my hearing aids checked out and cleaned.  They do that every 6 months whether I need it or not… On our way to OKC we passed several accidents.  I guess being Monday morning some people were either not attentive enough or just didn’t want to get to work anyway…

After the cleaning we made a stop at Academy.  I joked that don’t bring me here I will find something… well I did – they had some shorts left over that were in my size and the proper color so I bought two new pair of those… at the first Academy.  Wife could not find the special shoe she wanted there so we went to the other one in Edmond… well she found her shoes there and I got a pair as well…

In the Edmond Academy parking lot I spotted this unique mode of transportation… winter cycle riding made easy…




After that we had some lunch, got home, rested up a little then had a Doctor appointment… which went real well… guess she will live longer than me?

Today was a work day of sorts, had a phone conference this morning, the bug man came to spray… which as usual I did not hear the door bell ring but hey, I was not going to wear my aids for just that… then it was off to lunch early… She had to make a run to a special restaurant to pick up carry out for one of the instructors that splits and measures stuff like content, calories, etc.… just sounds like a way to get free lunch but not for us, we paid for ours… Anyway we got there early and my wife, who complains that people that drive pickups need a special driving test… mostly  parking… and I have to agree.  When we pulled in I almost took a picture of the guy that took two spaces and hung out but didn’t.  When we came out and were ready to leave… we could not pull down the isle we had to back into because of this…


Talk about just landing them?  What a crock.  You can see the lines and see that some were not even inside the lines or within their designated length… if you longer than that you just take two but stay in the lines… these guys didn’t care… I almost put out some of my favorite parking cards but didn’t… they sure deserved it..



On the way home I spotted this really good bumper sticker…   Guess it fits more than usual?




And that was my day, both yesterday and today.



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