Calendar Post by Month

October 2012



Well, I have not been doing a whole lot, although I have been damn busy all week.  A list of the things I have done..

  1. Put in way more time than I wanted on Work issues while at home…
  2. Finally , after 2 days delay, got the repair guys in to replace both pumps on the Geothermal unit. 
    1. Note we replaced one last fall but now the other was loose and making a lot of noise so I had a different service bunch come out, replace both, do a better job of flushing the system to ensure there is no mud left in the pipes (last time we flushed out some mud) and we did get some but we also got some air out of the line.  The casing showed some wash like there was air in the pumps.  Maybe this will make it last a few years this time and be a bit more efficient.
  3. Take care of a lot of business for my Dads estate.
  4. Get the plumber in to replace the 3 remaining toilets that we never liked… cheap crap form the building of the house.  I wonder if the original plumber was joking or laughing about having put in “round” toilets instead of oval?  If it was only women  using them round is probably ok, although the ones we had were probably the cheapest in the market…
  5. Hauled off some more excess stuff for donation…
  6. Cleaned the shop , a little but not enough so you can see it yet.
  7. More paperwork…
  8. Checking on insurance for the open season to see if we are going to be ok next year?
  9. whined about the cost of the phone and sat TV… did get a discount on the phone for a year… no luck yet on the TV…
  10. took some pictures but not near enough… 
  11. and generally was not over productive.


In my daily tours I came across this …


What does a Redneck do when he looses hi bumper… make his truck a transformer…



When you have a golf cart but you don’t want it to look like one, you make it look Classic…


Then today, I watched some Football…

Sh__T Texas looks bad and we have already played them, and lost?

Crap, zeroU looks better than I figured…  SH_T we still have them to play

Crap, TT looks better than I figured…  SH_T we still have them to play

Crap, I-state looks better than we anticipated … SH-T they come to town next week.

SH_T K-state is still looking awesome… and Double SH_t we still have to play them..

Crap Kansas was better than the 1 and 5 or we are worse than the 3 and 2? 

In the 4th quarter I was thinking…. WATERBOY movie…. “Oh  no we suck again”…

How can we go from number 1 in the conference to number 11 and loose so many players… we are depleted at receiver, running back, etc.… playing freshmen everywhere… the Defensive line looks pretty good but Hell, you need something between them and the goal line…

Oh well  been there done that…

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