Calendar Post by Month

October 2012


These days have ups and downs…

Since I am not traveling and not out seeing the world I have few things but the daily grind to talk about.  In some respects that is up for me, but down for writing.  Today was just a day… kind of like yesterday… The big excitement from yesterday I didn’t get pictures of.  Well , actually I did but you can’t see anything in the crappy ones I got.   To fill in the story…. I got out yesterday and took my 3 mile walk pretty early, but it was after sun up.  On the return trip I noticed a cat crossing the road – way up the road.  Then it occurred to me it was a pretty damn big cat?  Then the lights came on it was a Bobcat… It came out of the timber on the north side of 19th street about 100 yards east of the Range Road corner and crossed to the south.  Then stopped on the sidewalk on that side and looked back… then two smaller ones – kittens – came across.  I tried to get a picture of the last one across with my phone… it was so bad you can’t tell what I was shooting.  I then trudged on up that damn hill and when I got to where I figured they crossed I peered into the timber on that side and there she was with both kittens about 20 yards into the timber…  not scared or anything but watching me to make sure I didn’t make any move in their direction… I tried to get a picture of that but the thickness of the trees and what it took to get a clear shot made those turn out real bad… so I just gave up on the pictures…   The up is seeing the Bobcats, the down is not being able to get pictures and share…

It is neat to see such wildlife on the trails but it is a bit worrisome to see that they are not at all scared of me or not enough to run and hide and cats that big can eat my wife’s little dog.  I suspect that cat may be harvesting a few of the neighbors guinea fowl when they are not secured?  Still interesting to me. 

That was yesterday and that was about all I got done other than work on some file updates for the boss…  That was a down…

Today, I was back out and made my walk but no unusual wildlife today.  It was up cause I did I but down cause it was a NORMAL day…

After the walk I went to town for breakfast.  I had not had a good sausage roll for some time so that was on my list of things to get done – an up.   I also got a haircut as my hair seems to get fluffy in all the wrong places and needs to be trimmed from time to time, a real  down.  I am experiencing that age thing there too… thin on top and still thick on the sides, another down… oh well , I am not bald, and  yet… and up…although in retrospect that might be an easier thing to take care of?

Today I did get the camera out after the walk and got a few pictures of some of the color changes we are getting.  I think it will be a really good year for a variety of colors…  These are all up…



I also came across this really neat –repainted micro bus… a flash of sorts from  my old college days as this was a really popular vehicle back in the 60’s and 70’s… heck you could live in these..



And they got real good mileage too…

later in the day I made a stop at the bank and came across this in the car next to me as I was getting out to go in…

Now, I am not real sure what the idea is here:



My ideas are:

1.  The driver can’t trust his GPS so he has two in hopes that it will increase his chance of getting one that is right?

2.  Maybe it is a couple that they need to go in different directions?

3. Maybe THEY do not trust each other or their GPS’s? 

( I think that may be a down?  but an up moment for me to see the oddity of it all)

Anyway, I thought it a bit strange to have two on the dash.  I am sure they are not connected so that they each so more of the same thing…



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