Calendar Post by Month

November 2012


Off on another wild goose……

I am off working again this week.  Another set of flights, another location to visit and this time I am not sure exactly why I am here.  I guess I will make things up as it goes…

It was an early start to my day.  Had to actually get up before 5am and hit the road to make my flights.  I could of opted for earlier flights too.  They had some to leave OKC at 6:30 but to check in about 1 or 2 hours before and drive the 1+ hour trip I would have had to get up about 3:30am and that might have cut it close?  Not to worry as I had not real plans, no real meeting so I set my time and got in at about 2pm .  That gave me a very short afternoon to try and figure out why I am here.  Like most things in my jobs now it is more filling in where others just don’t seem to want or be able to get things done.

I got the the airport and waited the usual hour plus, got on the plane and just after it backs out the pilot comes on and says they have a little problem and we will wait a few more minutes to see if it clears up.  They suspected that it was a bit too cold on it last night and it is taking longer to warm up than normal.  That was the case because in about 10 minutes he said it was ok now and we were on our way.  I was sure hoping he knew what he was talking about? 

We got to Dallas and I had another couple of hours to wait… that is about all I do now is “hurry up and wait”.  Sure tired of that.  While I was waiting I was doing my usual thing of watching the various different kinds of people that travel.  I am sure glad I have been lucky so far as some of them are those that require two seats and only buy one… Anyway in the airport I spotted this really small traveler…

  • SAM_6717

I don’t think she was going to take up even one seat… She was traveling with mom and grandma (I guess) and was really happy to be dragging her own suitcase, even if it was bigger than she was…

I should have taken more pictures but was not prepared most of the time so I tell myself to do a better job… next time I will. 

Tonight I am in Cajun country and of course I had to get some Cajun food… made it to BlueDog for some gumbo… The gumbo was ok but the rice was not?  it was really good the last time we ate there?  Maybe it had something to do with the company last time as well?  This time I was on my own… Tomorrow is shaped up to be another one of those “Why the hell am I here” days… We will get through it and make the best of what we have..



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