Calendar Post by Month

November 2012


No Swamp People yet or maybe?

It was a slow day for me.  Didn’t have to be at the office till 8:30 but I was awake at 4am… hate when that happens and it happens most of the time when out on the road so I hate being out on the road any more… oh well. 

The Hotel serves a breakfast – of sorts.  Actually in most cases you would think it was really good.  I seem to have an attitude toward that associated with the above problem so it was ok.  They do serve up a good “special” for the day and then always have oatmeal and other stuff… maybe a picture tomorrow… I keep forgetting to get that done.  Where is Carl when I need him?  (inside joke).  I got the breakfast down and headed off to the facility.  Took a back road this time and sure glad for the GPS in the car.  You can get really lost, really easy down here cause, for a flatlander, they don’t have any roads that run straight they all curve in all directions and tie up on the worst places so it could get pretty complicated.  I made it on time and got settled in and spent the whole day doing , of all things, mapping… not road maps but process maps.  They suck as well but it is how everyone does business these days so we have to have our process maps in place.  We got through the reviews today pretty much and will do a final tomorrow. 

The group I was working with went out to lunch at a “diner” and they serve up blue-plate specials… I had the meatloaf.  Not bad but was not exceptional… I didn’t get pictures as the people I work with would not understand but this place does things a bit off in left field… one of the others got a “chicken fried steak” with the usual mashed potatoes and gravy… the steak had cream gravy on it like it is supposed to but the potatoes had brown gravy on them?  looked kind of weird…

For dinner tonight, after having such a big lunch I opted for a bowl of gumbo.  I ordered the small figuring it might be like a cup of gumbo …. nope…

2012-11-13 18.32.40

That is the small bowl and the waiter, when asked, said yes you should see the large!  along with the half a sandwich of French bread it was way more than necessary… pretty tasty too. 

That about did my day in as I then got back to the motel and finished up some reports and requests for info and to bed to do it all over again..



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