Calendar Post by Month

November 2012


Another great day by all

It was another great day.  Although it started a little off.  We were up and moving and I thought someone else had turned off the alarm and I headed out on the deck but that set the alarm off… oh well.  got it turned off no big problem. 

Went to town and had some Spudnut breakfast.  Pretty damn good sausage rolls and while I was out I did a little swap as I had gotten a wrong size plug for the motorhome water heater and had to get the next size smaller. 

Back home we lounged around for an hour or so and then got ready to make the gameOSU put another A-whoopin on Texas Tech. 


OSU dominant – again…




I had not expected that.   Most of the previous meeting here in Stillwater had been pretty close but this one was out of control in the second quarter and continued that way through the rest of the game.  I just hope we continue to play the remaining two games with the same fire and special desire that has been shown the past two weeks. 

On the way home we stopped for Chinese food and it was pretty good , although the beef was a little spongy?  tasted ok but was soft or something.  One thing that I found interesting was my fortune statement… “ Minutes are worth more than money.  Spend them wisely”… I am afraid that I have not been diligent to that but try to do better. 

The day ended with watching the KSU vs. BU game and the OU vs. WV game… Neither turned out like I had figured? 

Tomorrow is the Girls BB game.  the one year anniversary for the loss suffered by OSU was observed at the football game and will be at the Girls game

Image Taken at the Oklahoma State University vs Coppin State University Women's  Basketball Game, Saturday, November 26, 2011...Gallagher-Iba Arena, Stillwater, OK/Copyright Bruce Waterfield/


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