Calendar Post by Month

December 2012


Never ready when you need it

I have a new camera and carrying it to work today.  I also have the old camera.  Unfortunately I was too slow to get some good pictures today…

There was nothing exciting in the trip down other than I caught an earlier flight out of Dallas.  What was interesting that I wanted a picture of but by the time I got focused it never came back up… on the screens at the airport they put you name in code if your on the “standby” or “upgrade” list… on the flight that I was next to the one I was trying to get on they had a “standby” passenger listed as…


by the time I got the camera out and ready for the roll to come back up… that passenger was moved from standby to approved to off the list and I never got the picture… Not that was earth shaking or anything but when I first saw it I thought is was damn funny… From there on the day was rather routine and I didn’t see anything that I felt was “picture worthy”… There wasn’t much that is blog worthy either.  The only other thing I might have is my investment watch list that I have been working on for a few weeks… trying to get a list of possible income stocks to study out and see when the best time to step in would be for some of them… so I guess I will put that here for a reminder that I looked at these but haven’t made a move on any yet.  Also the list is not totally complete as some have dividends but on the web site I was looking that did not come up… Many are MLP’s but that tis ok if they pay good and have good future to keep paying… just my current short list.

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