Calendar Post by Month

December 2012


I got it too…

From one of my favorite blogs –Travel with The Bayfield Bunch  I picked up this “pearl” of wisdom… You know it when you see it, feel it, and experience it…

“The ongoing various stages of aging is a somewhat complicated thing at times.  There is no precise ending of one stage & beginning of another.  No line in the sand, no sudden change.  The stages just simply meld together so one seldom knows if one has grown out of one phase & into the next phase or not.  This is quite often made apparent to me when it comes to appetite.

Mornings seem to be my big feed bag time.  The young boy inside let’s me know he is hungry.  The teenager inside let’s me know he is ravenously hungry big time & it is this super charged teenage appetite which demands the volume of food to be consumed.  And, this is where I get myself into trouble.

Saturday morning in Wickenburg, I got a big hungry going on so we stopped at the Country Kitchen.  My inner teenager seized the menu & ordered something with a lot of volume to it.  My middle age self knew better but went along with the idea anyway, leaving my current Senior self to try & eat absolutely everything the teen had ordered.  Seeing’s how my younger self was born in the mid 40’s, I am the product of that old ‘clean up your plate or else” generation!!  So, you can see my dilemma with this aging thing.  No way can my Senior tummy hold the volume of food my teen-age self thinks it needs.  And with my young boys tummy trained to clean up my plate……well, no wonder I had a couple down days feeling like I had swallowed a cannonball.  No, this aging process is not a simple thing at all & next time out I will probably turn right around & make the same old mistake all over again.  No matter the age, I still fall victim to yummy in the tummy……teenage style:(( “

Although breakfast is not my big meal, and I was born real early in the 50’s, I get that same damn problem a lot these days… I get really hungry cause I skipped a meal or didn’t like what was available.   I go out to eat or even set down at a meal and see all that great stuff before me or in the menu, or get a smell of something that is just toooooo much so I bump up the order to what my eyes want that is being told by my Teenage self… then when I get it I find that my Senior self can’t hold all that with out pain but my upbringing kicks in and I clean my plate cause kids are starving somewhere in the world. Then for hours I have that painful stuffed feeling that my Middle-age self screams “I told you not to do that”… Al sure hit it on that one… but maybe you should go on over and check out the pictures he takes along with his blog…

I am saving this here for when MY senior self forgets all things and we come back to read and remember.  Just hope we read this before my teenage self overloads my stomach again… ha!



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