Calendar Post by Month

December 2012


What kicks a memory?

Today was a home day.  I got home last night and today was a day to get a bunch of STUFF done that had been waiting… Go through the mail, pay some bills, get a haircut, haul off the recycle… (always wonder why no one else can do this?)… I also picked up some repair parts I had made for the wife’s dresser.  The wood runners under the drawers had gotten chewed up.  Mostly likely from overloading the drawers.  We just don’t throw out enough stuff that we don’t use anymore. 

Anyway, after lunch and on the way home I hit the oldies station.  I like to listen to it when driving home sometimes, so I was rocking with 60’s and 70’s music and this particular song came on… That song struck some odd cord and a memory came back clear from 1968… some  time after the song came out, late 68 or early 69. 

During that time a lot of use would hit Ken’s  Pizza in Enid for a late night snack or maybe another dinner meal… and we had pizza.  I was not old enough to have a beer then Winking smile , but a few years later I remember hearing this same song when we were out having pizza and beer … Anyway that night maybe 5 or 6 of us had met up at Ken’s for pizza and we were swapping lies and shoveling down that pizza.  Some girl… none of us knew her… kept playing this damn song… At that point I didn’t even really care for the Beatles but man she was persistent that this song was going to play about every third play on the box… so much so it was ingrained with the memory of great times, pizza at Ken’s, and swapping lies at the end of the evening.

Hey Jude, Great times, Pizza and Beer, swapping lies…


While I was at it, I looked up the details on Hey Jude… the things, that back then I didn’t really care about… but interesting now.

Strange how now, one little thing can kick a memory about past things.  Just the sound of that song on the radio brought a lot of little trivia back…



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