Calendar Post by Month

December 2012


Face the facts

I have to face the facts… I have always been a little lazy, but this past few months I have sunk a bit further.  I know all those sayings about “live every day as if it were the last” or “don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today”.  I know all those but it just seems I am slowing down even more than usual.  I have had intentions to do some Ham Radio… too lazy or too tired to go out and get on.  I have intentions to do some repairs on several things.  They always seem to wait because I don’t have the parts, tools or more importantly attitude… All this said I am still getting a few things done, just not what I had figured I would do.  Is that a sign of age?

Yesterday started late as usual.   We made a trip to town to have breakfast and mail off 1 Christmas card.  I have some relatives that send cards so I try to accommodate with a return card, even though I don’t really believe in sending cards anymore.  I have posted my yearly Christmas Letter on the blog site and figure that is the best place for it.  Breakfast was nothing unusual or extravagant, just the Braums special of biscuits and gravy… I figure once a week is ok to skip my oatmeal or cereal with fiber… ha!

Once the trip was over I read the paper from Friday and Saturday.  We don’t even pick up the paper every day and I wonder why we keep taking it?  I then got a freakish urge to do something.  I had gotten the new wood drawer runners the other day and it hit me today to fix the dresser drawers with new runners where needed and put in some slides for the edges…

The parts going in.  Notice the broken plastic slide and tack sticking out - right middle Starting the repair, note tack and broken nylon slide right middle…Cleared the old ones out.


IMG_0356-001New slides on both sides and new wood runner in middle.


That took a good amount of the afternoon putting in the little slides and replacing the worn out runners.  I also had to clamp one drawer and glue it back together.   I ran out of slides so had to make another trip to Lowes to pick up another package , a whole $1.99… We also made a few other stops along the way to get gas, and Sherrie needed some more supplies from JoAnns.. I think that is her new Walmart.  She needs to stop in there at least 3 times a week? Walmart on the other hand… I have only been in there maybe twice in the past 4 weeks, once in Kilgore to get some antacids and the other day to pick up some grocery items I wanted (whole wheat bread)… so my shopping is really dropping and I don’t find as much stuff in Walmart anymore that I can’t live without.  ( I also lie sometimes)  That said, I always get more than I go for when I do get in there and I practice using a list but seems there is always something that wasn’t on that list that I had to have…

When we got back I remembered, that Friday I had gone out to run the motorhome and found the road battery dead?  I try to run it at least once month when it is in storage.  Somewhere I have a drain on the road batteries and have not been able to track it down.  Slow drains are a real problem when you have so much stuff on them. I got the jumper cables out and linked to the house battery and crossed to the road battery then got it started.  That charged the batteries back up some, but I could not let it run very long on Friday,so today I figured to run it some more today.  I got it started this time ok but they were still low.  I may have to put a trickle charger on the road batteries to compensate for the drain since I can’t find what is causing it.  That may be a project for the next two weeks?  or Maybe not?  One other little problem is that when plugged in to charge the House batteries it does not charge the road batteries?  I thought it used to do that but now it does not so that is also something to try and trace out.  Damn ,always something.

Once all that was done I set out to fix supper.  I had picked up some potatoes to bake (microwave style) and some peppered chicken breasts to grill.  The potatoes turned out pretty good but the breasts had a bit too much pepper and I let a couple of the really thin ones get too dry.  I need to practice more I guess. That was about it for Saturday. 

Today was another slow start.  Got the paper and caught up on the “non-news”.  We had two BB games today – double header with both Women and Men’s playing one after the other.  We left a little early to get some lunch on the way and made it to the first game.  The Women are playing rather well this year but are loosing players.  They only have 9 players left.  Anyway they played Vermont and two unusual things I noted during that game…

SAM_6956  SAM_6957

they stayed for the Men’s game as well but moved around the arena.  Now it is not unusual to have students dressed up for the games but these two… didn’t necessarily set with the rest of the “dressed” students… oh well as long as they didn’t set by me I was fine with it…

Another point to be made… the Vermont team had a rather large following… I mean we are a long way from Vermont…


That is about as many as we ever get from teams that are far closer to Middle America… nice to see they have support.

Out come, both teams won by very large margins.  In fact both teams are ranked this year and the women are carrying the longest winning streak right now.  Sure would like to see it continue right on into league play. 

We got home fairly early since both games were afternoon and just sat around and caught up on TV and reading… So ended the weekend, time to maybe do a little more work as I have to finish up some reports and get them out this week then I can take off , for real…



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